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Everything posted by Therux

  1. I report the server but it need to approval from a moderator
  2. But when you pay for the server you don't have the permission to ban for no reason or ban whenever you want!
  3. Here is a link where we got kicked by [sJ] Killer(You can see how we killed the Clanmember in the left corner) I posted it in Server reportion Section too but it's not approval from a moderator
  4. And when you pay you have the rights to ban without reason? Yes we live in Germany,but we're old enough to play this game. We never insult you or do you have some proofs?
  5. And you have still no proofs too ban us -.-
  6. Nice one,me (TeamKartoffel) and DerAssasin were banned again -.- We would go if you let us to our tents and then we clear it up -.-
  7. 1. We don't use hacked weapons (Any proof?) 2. We are old enough too play this game(We aren't 14 and 15 years old) And we never insult you,before you ban us maybe record some proofs?
  8. It's still not fair to kick us when we kill you and your clan,this isn't even better then using hacked weapon ;)
  9. We never said you are a motherfucker. We never had hacked weapons i don't know who tell this and we have our tents on your server ;)
  10. What you are telling happends 1 Week ago and in this time we were in the [sJ] Clan.