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About Linschko

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  1. Linschko

    Thermal Weapons

    Did you ever use a thermal weapon? You cant see trough walls, but everybody who is hidding in the woods.
  2. Ah, now thats a good suggestion
  3. Linschko

    Give us a melee weapon slot!

    Shit, forgot that you have to trow away your primary to use a meele. Yeah, then the suggestion is legit, but I think the sitch should run over the inventory, not a button.
  4. Linschko

    Show who you where killed by.

    tl;dr And no
  5. Linschko

    Camoflage clothing suggestion!

    Trust me, camo is so useless in Arma
  6. Linschko

    Thermal Weapons

    Yeah sure, loose all your gear because of some cheap ass wall hack. This is what the game needs again.
  7. Nice, but I think this is the wrong section of the forum.
  8. Linschko

    What the Standalone really needs.

    I think having no background story is fine, since everybody can make up his own version
  9. Linschko

    Give us a melee weapon slot!

    Yeah, lets make this game easy instead of a challange. It takes 5sec to switch to your primary if you train it 2 times (like you would have to train it in real life), but seems the casuals of today are to lazy for that.
  10. Linschko

    Change running motion and speed

    Its the false engine for animations like that. You could run as fast as a zombie for 15 sec, I would accept that. Your idea seems overpowered to me.
  11. What a stupid idea. Its your own fault that you are at the coast when you are not able to defend you self/ pr0xxb4nd1t "everyone"
  12. Linschko

    Idea for factory roofs

    That makes sense to me, additional I think you should be able to enter the vents and get In-out the factory with them. That would also give you the abbility to escape a roof, what isnt possible at the moment as far as I know. (Maybe it changed in the last 6 months) Mazes suggestion also makes sense.
  13. Linschko

    Looting other person backpack

    Welcome to Rio bitch. And yes, I can open your backpack without you noticing when you just sit in a bush and dont move because your xXpr0sn1pingXx I like it how it is now, because this 10 guys who play a hero can borrow their loot from campers without killing them. BUT I agree that backpacks should only be accessible from behind, the rest was obviously just made cause your butthurt at the moment.
  14. Linschko

    Toxic gas and kevlar west

    I am asking for a system similar to Counter Strike, not some pathetic wannabe realistic shit. I will just never get how someone can think Arma is realistic. Its authentic, not more.
  15. Linschko

    Toxic gas and kevlar west

    Dude, its a game...