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About sirisma

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  1. I think what he may mean is a mag glitch. I have noticed that if you carry M9 mags in your inventory while using an MP5 it will load the M9 mag instead of the MP5 mag. I have no idea what causes this other than the fact that the ammo is identical and may actually support this.
  2. sirisma

    tent spawn

    I should add this to my list of stuff I'm suggesting. Maybe I could add it under the section for defenses and the like. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5150
  3. Already been suggested in my compiled list: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5150
  4. sirisma

    Player kill registration removal

    This is very common in Project Reality. You have to confirm kills all the time if you haven't seen them go down. I think it would make the game much more interesting. I've used the kill message to detect if somebody is a bandit judging by the sound of gunfire ending with player death.
  5. sirisma

    Mid-Combat Disconnection Hammer [URGENT]

    I've done this only once, and I only did to further piss of the bandit that was chasing me. I was casually walking in the woods near Pusta shooting zeds that got too close, when I heard a pair of footsteps behind me. I turned around to see a guy pointing at me with a Makarov. I hid behind a rock and switched from my M1911 to my M4A1 CCO SD. After I popped back out from behind the rock with an assault rifle, the bandit shat a brick and took cover behind a tree. He started to lean around this tree trying to get a good shot on me. Luckily I had the upper hand with better range, a full magazine, and my sights already trained on his face. I made a warning shot at the tree, and he ducked behind the cover and fired off 5 rounds in my direction. I switched over to my grenade and threw it behind his tree. I heard a brief scream and an explosion over both VOIP and locally, followed by a lot of Russian obscenities. I heard a lot of movement nearby and decided to take the beans from the bandit and logged off after nobody else showed their face even though I knew I was surrounded.
  6. I'm supporting the @stmovement addition along with a few ideas of my own, you guys shoudl check it out: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5150
  7. sirisma

    An improvement to the humanity system

    I agree with what you're saying here, and I kinda thought of a system involving that. It's quite simple but makes the game more in-depth I think. Go check it out: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5150
  8. sirisma

    Life appreciation

    I've been thinking about a lot of this myself and I think you might like some of the ideas I have. Go check them out: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5150
  9. sirisma

    Sirisma's Compiled Mod Suggestion List

    TURNED SURVIVORS "I dislike this idea, just personal preference. I just don't think it would work well when it came to game mechanics. " I can see why you would think that, but think of how rare that would be anyway and how great it would be to see that happening before your eyes if they added a really good animation for it. TURNED SURVIVORS SPORTING GUNS "It's already really easy to find good equipment, having it even more available on zombies would completely ruin looting. Unless the spawns were like 1 in a million. Hell you could roll through one town at startup and be fully kitted out, way too easy." I don't think you fully understood what I meant. I'm saying that the turned survivors may rarely pop of rounds. It would be almost impossible to get shot by them. It is more of a flavor effect than an actual threat. Plus, there would have to be a Turned Survivor in the vicinity for it to happen to begin with, which would be rare. ZOMBIES ACTUALLY HAVING ITEMS "I agree with this, it would be nice to see something other than tins. However how many people out and about do you see carrying useful survival items? I mean, having the odd farmer with a hunting knife or something makes sense, but other than turned military & law enforcement personnel I can't say people would carry much of anything useful. Just look at your average town full of people." Who honestly walks around carrying empty tin cans and military-issued bandages? I can see the hunting knife making sense, and maybe finding a map and compass on a hunter. It was not meant to be game breaking, just make it so that what you find on people actually makes sense. BEANS "Implying you can't open a can of beans with a knife. You can do it with a regular kitchen knife, and you can sure as hell do it with a good hunting/survival knife. Perhaps either that or a tin opener could be used, I can't say I like the idea too much though. I mean if you had a toolbox you would probably have a file or a hacksaw or something in it, in which case you could open a can of beans too, it would just be frustratingly slow and you'd probably end up eating a bunch of metal filings. :p " Make a video of you opening a can of baked beans with a kitchen knife or a hacksaw and I'll believe that. Even if that works that would still make it necessary to have another item to open cans as you don't spawn with a knife or toolbox. POP/SODA "This is really dumb, if you were near a bunch of zombies you wouldn't loudly crack open a fizzed up can of coke, chug it and then throw it on the ground. That's just retarded, you'd probably crack it as quietly as you could or pierce a hole in it with your knife and then when you finished carry it away with you until you had a safe place to drop it." What if you don't know there is a zombie near you? What if you had the balls to take that chance and open a fizzy pop to prevent dehydration while stuck in Cherno? I never said he'd 'throw' it on the ground, maybe set it down but is should still be possible to pick up the empty can. Maybe make it that you just spawn an empty can in your inventory to replace the pop that just left it.
  10. sirisma

    Duffel bags\Base Camps

    This is all reminding me of what I said on my own page. Go check it out: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5150
  11. sirisma

    Skin Idea

    I took a look at this and gave it my own flare and added a few ideas. Go check it out here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5150
  12. sirisma

    Less broken bones from BS

    Here I added my own flavor to your idea on my suggestion list: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5150
  13. I like a few of these ideas and they are very similar to mine own ideas. I added it to my mod suggestion list here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5150