Hey pointless, im in the same kind of situation as you. I've been playing for about 2 months now, mostly with small groups of 1-2 others. However, i recently went on vacation for a month and a half and every1 that I know that plays DayZ has quit, or no longer ahs the time. I'm from Canada, however all of my group members were from the UK so I always adapt to that time. (ex:being on at 6 am so its noon for them, etc.) I'm well experienced, and have tried banditry as well as being a survivor. At the moment, for the past week, I've been running around solo hunting vehicles with no luck :(. Please hit me up, Skype: salokineragn (username) or Steam: number1b0ss (username, the 0 is a zero) sry for the long post, hope to see ya soon