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Everything posted by wafflechampion

  1. wafflechampion

    Looking to (possibly) upgrade my PC, with your help!

    if you can order from newegg theres super cheap really nice amd phenom 2 cpus i posted it before but ill find it again. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103727
  2. wafflechampion

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Gonna be amazing.
  3. wafflechampion

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Looking forward to this.
  4. Ok so i ordered a psu on eBay was cheaper like bestek.650 watts it said I receive it in the mail and It's 680 watts I plus it in and the psu sparks then is dead.I can only hope it didn't mess up my motherboard no signs of anything fried.clearly it was my fault for buying the pos psu no biggy. Here's my system 6 gigs of RAM Mb GA-990fxa-ud5 Gfx evga gtx 550 ti CPU and phenom II x4 955 3.2 quad core It's not overclocked. Multiple fans. 160 gig hard drive SATA. Just looking for a decent 550 to 600 watt psu that's actually the proper wattage.
  5. wafflechampion

    Advice on power supply wanted.

    SeaSonic S12 Energy Plus SS-650HT 650W ATX12V V2.3 / EPS12V V2.91 SLI Certified Ok so how does this one look?
  6. wafflechampion

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I cannot wait for this!!!
  7. wafflechampion

    Advice on power supply wanted.

    Power trip much...
  8. wafflechampion

    Advice on power supply wanted.

    Oh and BTW I use the mobile website this location doesn't stand out like it does on the reg website...
  9. wafflechampion

    Advice on power supply wanted.

    You have a special forum for it yet those other posts still sit in the off topic location lol ok..read your post then you'll know why...
  10. wafflechampion

    Advice on power supply wanted.

    The general topic I originally posted in had a few things about pcs in it so it looked like a fine place to post it.
  11. wafflechampion

    Advice on power supply wanted.

    Thx guys I had about a 60$ budget Newegg has a few good deals on seasonic psu.
  12. wafflechampion

    Advice on power supply wanted.

    No need to be a Dick... That's a bit pricey for me. But thx for the interest in helping me.
  13. wafflechampion

    Reddit - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    I'm super excited about this game.And if there's a collectors edition I'm buying it.