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About Druen

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    sailing, swimming and you guessed it.. gaming
  1. Druen

    us 3965 - vehicles gone?

    you stupid, stupid, stupid
  2. I love the way ArmaII works. I don't hope i will have to click on my keyboard to interact with loots, doors, vehicles and such..
  3. Bump Low ping server for us, but we need fellow players!
  4. Druen

    Military Zombies

    None no. The headshots should take them out. Could be server lag there.
  5. Druen

    Planning on Re-building PC from scratch

    where are you from?
  6. As i suppose you are aware of, your graphics does alot to your FPS. How high do you run your graphic settings?
  7. I will defently ask my fellas to check you guys out. See you next week.
  8. If you don't want this to your server, you shoul think about changing it to private-hive
  9. You can't get reset.
  10. but they eat you... Didn't they become zombies because of a virus over time?
  11. Druen

    Taking screen shot help

    Need more info boss - this might help you out http://greasypc.blogspot.com/2008/03/cant-take-super-hi-res-screenshots-w.html
  12. Druen

    Who's the traitor?

    What a nice conversation. But you sure made them laugh.
  13. Druen

    Who is admin of this server?

    Sponser the server, and we can talk,
  14. Druen

    If a trader...

    I am pretty sure that they never were in the game, without the little hand of a hacker.
  15. Druen

    If a trader...

    What are you on about. How do you get "legit" hacked weapons, even the TWS?