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Community Reputation

3 Neutral

About Pedro69er

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    gaming drinking smoking

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  • Bio
    had a hard life but you gotta keep going lol
  1. Been on this server for almost a month now and its the best i've played on theres a good group of helpfull players and admins.
  2. Jus sent an email hope join your server soon
  3. Jus sent an email hope join your server soon
  4. I'll add you only meet 1 freindly player in a month of playing and he didnt have a mic . Night can be fun if its a clear sky or you have nvgs (never found any!) easy to sneak . What time do you play ?
  5. Sounds fun Skype pm.pedro69er Steam pedro69er