Please forgive me for my intrusion into this topic/thread, and i apologise wholeheartedly for any upset it may have caused. I am also facing this squad.xml dilema, the squad text shows on the player screen but alas, the squad logo paa image is not to be found, rewarding my hard work and sleepless nights with a "cannot load texture .\" error. In the hope of saving my hair, teeth, sanity and christmas, may i request some assisstance from you all if you would be so kind? My progress thus far: Edited the squad.xml. Made squad logo & converted to .paa format using Texview 2. Uploaded to Dropbox and made it public, so friends can copy the link. So now i have the three files uploaded in dropbox, a dtd file, xml document, and the .paa. is there anything else i must add? Onimaru, i have the free version of, how and where did you upload your squad.xml to Any assistance regarding this squad.xml will be very much appreciated. All fixed now, i just renamed the logo from "logo.paa" to "logo", it seems dropbox liked to add an extra ",paa" to the file name.