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General Maximus

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Posts posted by General Maximus

  1. STill waiting on that bliss hive update. Not sure if I didn't understand the time frame you guys had on putting it out or if your still making your rounds with all the servers. Hey, can't rush perfection! Also why are you taking the white list feature away? This has been extremely valuable since you can just set it and walk away. With the 3rd party lister you have to keep your personal computer running (admin) to ensure the white lister does not stop running. This is a pain and taxing on any computer I'm sure.

  2. Going to try and get gotcha-antihax running tnoight, we've been getting nuked almost hourly lol somebody doesn't like us. Thankfully our community keeps coming back.

    WOw, hourly? Have you guys considered going private? We switched to private the second SS offered it And have not looked back since. We have a solid base of about 35 players and have yet to have a single problem. The password protection is our first line of defense, but if someone where to give it out to a person they shouldn't, we have both the server white lister and a 3rd party lister running to ensure only authorized players come onto the server. Now just waiting on rmod!!

  3. :beans: :beans:

    :beans: :beans:

    see all them beans, my award to this server and its admins, mad props on a great time, with good people!

    if your looking for the best home server this would be it.

    LOL thanks NIN3 for the beans!!! We appreciate your 4 can review :P . This server is everything we have hoped for out of Dayz. It is the server members that make this possible!!

    • Like 1

  4. Hey Zack, yeah I think that was when we were updating all our server files. Make sure to check out the SERVER INFO page we made for everyone in skype. Swineflew your kos style is perfectly acceptable. We have a great mix of people from those who are throwing bandages and blood bags at everything that moves to sniper/hunters that are always on the prowl looking for unsuspecting victims. All members in this server have really come together and are forming a real close relationship. This does 2 things. 1 is ADDED security for all players because if anything fishy goes down everyone is ontop of it reporting it to admins or warning others about it. 2. It creates one hell of a fun atmosphere. We have 2 dedicated skype channels for server members, one for chit chat and one for important server news. You will ALWAYS find something interesting going down here with us :D

    • Like 1

  5. If you have access to DB tables you should be able to go to INSTANCES, change whitelister to 1. Then go to PROFILE and change all players whitelist status to 1. This will make it so that anyone that is not on your roster will get stuck at loading screen unable to join your server. Hope this helps!!!

  6. Whoa whoa whoa... We do not simply "die several times a day". For the record I would like to state that we have given our lives in the name of science...like seeing if you really can jump off the hotel in cherno and survive(you can) however did not plan on the 20+ zombies that came out of no where. And friendly fire is a VERY serious thing in this game, especially if you esc+ctl out of game to check Skype message only to return to A lifeless body of the guy you are supposed to be spotting for...(that's really my bad there Josh =( ). Anyways just wanted to make it VERY clear.... =p glad your enjoying the server!!!

    • Like 1

  7. *** New RangerzMod v2.0 is now operational!!

    *** MUST BE 18+, Competent, and Patient

    Server location: Dallas, Tx

    Map: Chernarus

    Difficulty: Expert

    3rd: ON

    Death Messages: OFF

    Max Ping: 400

    Whitelister: YES

    additional mods: rmod and RangerzMod

    ****All players who are interested MUST do an interview via Skype before gaining membership.

    Check out more info here: http://rangerz.freeforums.org/index.php?sid=afb656a160dd1935148084b7dcd25cad

    Contact MAX @ generalmaximus23 on Skype for further details.


    (Based on vanilla Dayz)

    [Changed] Reduced chances of military grade weapons.

    [Changed] Reduced chances of ammo for all types of weapons.

    [Changed] Industrial loot will yield much less valuable items ie car parts ,Rotor assemblies and Jerry cans.

    [Changed] Number of Zeds spawning per player. This will create a "horde" feeling especially in cities and small towns.

    [Changed] Zeds can now damage vehicles. This should reduce the exploit of hiding inside a vehicle to avoid harm. Also is added to create a feel of urgency as if zeds were breaking windows and causing vehicle damage by being run over.

    [Changed] All vehicles will spawn in good condition. After initial fill of vehicles on server, settings will BE changed so that if a vehicle is destroyed they will respawn with heavy damage and no fuel.

    [Changed] Types of weapons that spawn in varied locations ie.Residential, Military, Industrial. Many weapons have now been moved to locations that actually makes sense. For instance AK's, and AR's will not be found in deer stands or a fire station.

    [Changed] Loot piles overflowing with useful items. Much more trash and rubish litters the map now giving the game a feeling of more desperation and scarcity.

    [Changed] Crash sites will no longer be an instant jackpot of the best end-game gear.

    [Changed] Starting load out has removed patrol pack. This allows vest pouches to be put into play.

    [Changed] Pack sizes have now been reduced. Patrol: 4, Vest: 6, ACU: 10, Czech: 13, Alice: 16, Coyote: 19. This should make team play more tactical since you won't be able to carry two primaries as efficiently.

    [Changed] All packs now have dedicated spawn locations.For instance patrol packs will be common in residential areas, where as higher capacity packs like the Alice will be more rare and spawn only in military.

    [Changed] Animal Meat yields. Goat: 2, Boar: 3, Sheep: 3, Cow: 4. Seeing as meat doesn't spoil this should add to scarcity.

    [Added] Brand new building class "Old Camp". Here you will find loot that would typically be found inside another persons camp. Small arms, low end AR's, ammo,food, survival gear.

    [Added] Chloroform (rare) to be used in pvp. This will allow for kidnapped/ransome scenarios to play out as it knocks out a victim for 3.5mins.

    [Added] "Flip Vehicle" action to allow players to do just that when they overturn their transportation.

    [Added] "Combat Logger" to eliminate combat logging. Once a person engages/is engaged in combat a 30second timer appears and disables "log out". Should also insta-kill anyone who tries to log by alt-f4 or kill process before the timer runs out (still to be tested).

    [Removed] All OP weapons, including L85, AS50, Fal NVG, M107, SVD, DMR and All SD weapons excluding M9 and MP5 SD.

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