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General Maximus

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Posts posted by General Maximus

  1. Hey shitlord, how about asking for permission before using others work and charging money for using it in your own shit-mix of stolen code?

    Again not charging a fee for your mod, not charging a fee for OUR mod, we are simply charging a fee for server cost. Our owner could not do it anymore and thus left it on us. We decided to all pitch in together. This will be the last time I post this since you obviously can't read the multiple times I already have.

  2. And how would that stop thieving asshats like yourself from registering to get the files anyway?

    Just give up, there is no justification for what you have done.

    I'm done with giving your thread any more bumps and free publicity, I'll let it die now that everyone is aware of your theft and lack of moral fibre.

    Like i said, you would keep "asshats" like myself from joining your forum by making sure anyone who joined your forum sends you a PM via skype or steam or however you want. This way you know who is supposed to be there and who isn't. Again simple stuff. Again why put something on PUBLIC space and then cry when someone takes it? Pomonkey this is what I am trying to get across.

  3. Technicalities, it's doesn't matter where the money goes, the fact is money changes hands for your users to play 'your' mod.

    Venthos does everything you mentioned above and he does it out of his own pocket, for the love of it and for the community he has created.

    Grow some talent and do your own coding, stealing others work without permission is the lowest of the low and at least now your users know the truth.

    Again, make your stuff private so you can avoid this type of thing in the future. You have it for public download. My members asked for it so i gave it to them. Had there been some type of formal way to get (because it was private) then sure i would have gone through all the proccesses to get it. The fact that you didnt makes it open to anyone and everyone call me what you want or label me this and that, I am not concerend with this. Just know that your mod was taken from public domain, given credit, and used.

  4. I will quote Venthos on this, which he was going to post before you banned him from replying:

    And as for your suggestion:

    This "experience" you describe is exactly what we are all spending our time and effort on, and blatant copying of our work really puts a damper on things. The removal of our code from your rebranded Rangerz Mod would be a step in the right direction for everyone in the community.

    Again their "experience" was great before your mod came in, and will continue as such when your mod is gone.

  5. At least your users now know what they are paying good money for, supporting a bunch of no talent, thieving hacks.

    Perhaps now they'll come play the real thing where you can play for free.

    Like I said, they don't pay for the mod, they pay for server cost because we do a lot behind the scenes. They ask, and we give, We never said we created our mod from scratch, we told them from the start that it was from Redux. I'm not sure how else to put it, and you guys can tell them to go play it for free, But that's what YOU don't get, they are NOT paying for Redux, they are paying for server upkeep as I feel the admins always go above and beyond for them to make sure their game play is amazing.

  6. This is what the creator of DayZ Redux (Venthos) posted on YOUR FORUMS, which you then DELETED and permanently BANNED him:

    We banned him because he was an unauthorized user. His original post is still there for our entire community to read. Like I said, quit crying, make your code private and you CAN avoid this type of thing. We DON'T need your code, its just nice to have, We have no problem removing it, we had a great community before your code came and we'll still have a great community after its gone. We are only trying to make a great experience for all those who play dayz, nothing more, and nothing less

  7. I'm thinking about joining the server but I have a question: can I still launch DayZ through DayZCommander with your mod installed? Does using your mod on top of DayZ change anything else like that? Also, is there voice or text side chat enabled? I'd rather it not be, because it kinda kills the immersion. Thanks! I really like that the OP weapons are removed.

    We modify a lot of files to bring you a whole new experience, so no you can't just play vanilla with our mod installed, you would have to take it off. Also yes side chat is enabled, it is what the people wanted.

  8. Has anyone added any vehicles with the new data base ? If so can you post what you did ? Do we need to add data to the Vehicle table first before adding it to Vehicle_instance ??? I haven't messed around with it yet but I would like to add some custom vehicles to the server and I don't feel like starting and restarting the server for testing purposes unless I have to. I just logged on to my data base and there is a new listing of World_Vehicle.

    Yes, you must add the custom vehicles you want from rmod into your vehicles list. You can pick up where the list leaves off, I believe 34, and designate your first imported vehicle #35 for its id and continue down the list. Then in vehicle instances you can place them on the map, and instead of having to use class names, you only need to use id numbers. For instance after a fresh install we had 4 uh-1h spawn on map. Their id number is 15. After adding the little bird to our vehicles list, #44, we went into vehicles instances and changed the 15's to 44's and voila, little birds instead of Huey. Hope this helps

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  9. Hey General looks like yall have a really interesting setup for your hive. Me and a few friends are interested in finding a home on your hive. I will send you a message on Skype sometime tomorrow if you have the time to talk. Hope to talk to you soon.

    I look forward to speaking with you! Your coming in at a VERY good time as there is still plenty of fresh vehicles and lots of good survivor rivalry going on. Our RangerZ Mod has created a ultra survivalist experience where making every shot count, and scavenging for food is the difference between life and death.

  10. Ok just submitted ticket. I followed all the steps UP to #15 where it has me update my dayzTOOLS db to the new hive 3.6. It keeps saying that my server is NOT updated yet and it wont continue until I have updated it fully to bliss 3.6. However I followed steps 1-14 which accepted all install changes without any problems yet my db toolz still say my server is not updated.

  11. I had in a tciket about the Tools and this is what I got back.

    We are currently having an issue with the vehicle spawn tool and have disabled it until we can fix the issue. It will most likely be fixed today or tomorrow, sorry for the wait!

    If you have a private hive with phpMyAdmin you can choose to spawn in vehicles manually for the time being.

    Thanks for sharing. I had to manually add vehicles via navicat. Now some players can see them and others can't!!! Oh man what a mess.

  12. Max: there's currently no way to remove the default loadout for new spawns. This is a bug/oversight in DayZ itself and the only "fixes" are server-side and messy. Bliss devs are aware of it but there's not much they can do.

    So for now at least, we'll have to live with the default items being there no matter what.

    Thanks for the info!! Now I can stop messing around with that and get back to tweaking the loot tables. We are aiming for a more gritty version of Dayz for our server and starting without a pack would have been a nice touch. I completly understand though, won't cry over it. Thanks again for your help Koldan.

  13. Try this, edit what you want, tools and weapons go in the left bracket, items and ammo go on the right side.


    I actually figured out what was going on. I had success using this string :[["ItemWatch"],["ItemPainkiller","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"]]: However it only added those items to the original base loadout. The patrol pack and flashlight where still there. Is there anyway to remove both the pack and flashlight?

  14. Anyone else having trouble setting the starting loadout? I followed SS instructions to the letter however when someone spawns fresh after creating a new character it just keeps them at loading. I want to use SS's conservative loadout with no pack. That way we can put the vest pouch to good use as we update the loot tables. But again if I put a custom loadout it seems to lock up at the loading screen for fresh spawn players.
