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SGT. Peppy

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Everything posted by SGT. Peppy

  1. Less High Powered Rifles but then again More weapons in general. Oh, and a larger map with more vehicles, but some sort of system to prevent vehicle hoarding. And something to prevent Server Hopping/Combat Logging.
  2. So I found my 3rd Heli Crash today. DMR and FN FAL. I don't feel that they ruin intensity any more than running to NWAF and Stary break intensity. They could lower weapon spawn rate or maybe place only 1 heli/reset but they are fine. There are more important things to worry about.
  3. SGT. Peppy

    Army clothes ?

    Was it just Camo Clothing? or a Soldier Outfit. Camo Clothing is still an item that spawns naturally in the game.
  4. SGT. Peppy

    Theres nothing to do in DayZ

    Obviously not your cup of tea. Not a big deal, just pointing out the obvious.
  5. I get a kick out of the idea that since some people play the game a certain way that is "too easy" they immediately call for a nerf (Less chopper crashes with less loot) so they have to spend an extra 30 minutes to find a crash.
  6. Eventually you will know which buildings spawn good loot, that's part of the game. The fun is getting there without dying to either the elements or players or Zeds and then hoping your trip was worth while. I have made several trips to NWAF and Stary and come up empty handed. There is no guarantee with loot, Server hopping aside. I am hoping in the standalone server hopping is much harder to do, that way those trips with no loot make you keep wanting to come back in a few hours and check back.
  7. SGT. Peppy

    Why punish bandits?

    It's funny that all the Bandits are in this thread basically just spouting nonsense because they don't want anything to effect their precious days of sitting on the hills outside of Cherno/Elektro/Stary/or NW. I don't really care, I've learned about the bandit hotspots and I stay the hell away from them personally because I am not really looking for PvP too much. I do get irritated though at the mentality. Example: I was in Stary and rang the dinner bell for a good time in the dilapidated warehouse. I had acquired an AKM and 7 mags and was just going to town on the Zeds in Stary (I had killed about 40-45 at the time) and then BAM, a bandit with some rifle felt the need to kill me. I know people always drag "realism" into this argument for whatever reason, but I'd like to think in a "real" zombie apocalypse, if someone saw a horde of zombies swarming toward someone, they would just let them go an save the bullet because ammunition for such a rifle would not be so easily found (it was a .50, the sound is unforgettable). Where is the benefit of playing as a survivor? There isn't one. Technically, if you want to play as a "survivor", the only way to currently do it is to go out of your way to avoid the best loot spawns. This example can provide anecdotal evidence that not all playstyles are valid. I had no clue there was a bandit around, I had no drive to do anything to kill Zeds obviously, and yet there I was, dead on the catwalk. The only playstyle that is worth playing this game as is KoS, and that shouldn't be the case. The Problem: Nothing can be done to fix it. Sure, once hacking/duping/scripting is removed from the game the initial couple weeks will be balanced but as soon as people find an SVD/M24/etc. maybe even a Lee Enfield, the KoS will be back in force. You can't code a game around 13 year olds who can only play a game if they are killing every person that is completely oblivious to their existence. There isn't anything that can be done that won't severly swing the pendulum back the other way. People will do whatever they want to do on any video game. My Solution: Increase map size in the standalone. Create more viable towns to loot, the problem is that there are only a handful of viable towns within spawn range to gear up, and they are all sniped on a daily basis.
  8. I found only my second helicopter crash last night. I found it strange that I have seen next to none because I'm almost always running in wilderness areas where they seem to spawn to avoid being on the main road, most of my navigation is done via map and compass (gets frustrating sometimes :P). Of those two, one had shotgun shells, M107 Mags, MP5SD Mags, STANAG Mags, minor med supplies and an AK. The other had a Bizon and 1 mag for it, and then the same general loot military ammunition but no .50 cals. As other people in this thread have noted, simply because you guys are running the gauntlet on vehicles looking for the downed choppers doesn't mean that everyone who plays the game needs to be handicapped. Sure, they could lower the chance of spawn, but at this point, from where I'm standing the loot chance is fine. I've found two choppers in +/- 4-5 weeks of play.
  9. SGT. Peppy

    Cars in DayZ

    At least you found a car.
  10. SGT. Peppy

    Whats the point of Humanity?

    Or at the very least they'll hack you in a G36C I'm sure!
  11. SGT. Peppy

    Whats the point of Humanity?

    I'm proud of my humanity. Although I do get irritated when I'm having fun in Stary just sitting in the busted up warehouse ringing the dinner bell to kill some Zeds and I get sniped by some asshat just because. I wasn't aware of his presence and wasn't worried about it, wasn't server hopping, nothing. Just having some fun with Zombies and then BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM (He wasn't very accurate, either) and I die. It does get disheartening when people shoot for no reason. I've shot at people before, but only after recently losing a partner in the same area, and then turned out he was friendly and I apologized and offered him blood for his troubles. The KoS mentality gets really annoying when they shoot just to shoot, and don't even bother looting your stuff.
  12. SGT. Peppy

    The floating light of death.

    He must have thought you were Big Foot. Big Foot would give AT LEAST 9 steaks if he were successfully hunted.
  13. SGT. Peppy

    My game experience of my last 7 lives.

    You mean like the vocal minority on the forums do?
  14. SGT. Peppy

    My game experience of my last 7 lives.

    He doesn't actually remember all of these, and he probably got outplayed by a couple players and blamed hacks. The game is buggy at best, sometimes things happen that are beyond your control -- latency, poor hit detection (even on Zeds sometimes), a miss that you really wanted to believe was a hit -- and then you die from them. It happens. Additionally, stop running to the highest populated areas and your chances of success will raise exponentially. I've only been killed by another player one time, In Cherno. My fault. Running through the apartments with no cares in my heart. Play safer.