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About thuglyfe

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. thuglyfe

    Atlanta 43?

    sent the pm :D
  2. thuglyfe

    Atlanta 43?

    if this server is down for good, my friends and i are gonna lose a lot of stuff. that vehicle of ours is loaded and we have a full tent aswell. it sucks, but there's nothing we can do about it. :( again, i'm sorry my friend shot at you guys... luckily all he had ammo for was a silenced m9. he saw you guys slow down and assumed you were gonna hop out and blast us so he just wanted the first shot. also i'm just curious, would you and your friend(s) like to team up with us? we're a kind bunch that haven't had much luck running into friendlies. you two were the first we've seen that didn't shoot us immediately.
  3. thuglyfe

    Atlanta 43?

    hey man i was the driver of that offroad humvee type vehicle that was circling you guys. i was talking on direct comm trying to get your attention but apparently my mic wasn't working in game. we just needed some car parts and were trying to ask if you guys had any. i'm sorry about my friend that shot at your window, he thought you guys were hostiles.
  4. thuglyfe

    killed by friendly fire?

    hi everyone. i was playing on the correct version at the time so it couldn't have been that. Did you get a M249 SOPMOD 4 w/ M203 SD Holo 6x Scope for that kill? no, he just had every tool possible, food + drink, bizon and DMR. and yeah Friendly Mike, we do have each other added on steam but you never respond when i message you lol.
  5. thuglyfe

    Atlanta 43?

    i'm just wondering; were you one of the two guys driving along the coast in a huge truck/jeep?
  6. it's a shitty bug that's unavoidable as far as my knowledge goes. my friends and i get it all the time.
  7. so i spawn into the Chicago 50 server in the middle of stary sober and head to the hills north of the military tents, just proning through the grass. i see this random guy running around looking like he had no clue what he was doing; he ran up right to me and missed three shots of his revolver before i no-scoped him with my m24. the death message appeared as "n9kshek was killed by thuglyfe (friendly fire)" or something like that, and his body instantly disappeared so i couldn't loot him. so i just shrug it off and run to check a tent i saw in the distance and i see this same mother fucker running through the grass i had just came from. i snipe him AGAIN and the server broadcasts the same death message, only this time i could actually loot him. he had a DMR with 4 mags and a coyote backpack with a pp-19 bizon sd with ammo in it, so i take all his shit. while i'm looting him this fucking guy spawned again the same spot and kills me. there was no friendly fire message this time and i wasn't able to magically spawn where i died like this guy. anyone know what the fuck is going on?