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Everything posted by dranzerk

  1. dranzerk

    Cooked Meat health disapearing

    confirmed today. Cooked meat health disappears if you log off. Killing zombies does not fix it like other post mentioned.
  2. dranzerk

    immortal player.. lag? or some kind of a glitch?

    Also could of been hurt already and fell unconscious, it just looked like he was dead on ground and popped back up.
  3. dranzerk

    Email about security Breach

    Guess it went to people who used a real email address. heh
  4. dranzerk

    This is the MOST antisocial game ever

    I'm sick of people complaining about anti-social games. Who cares if it is? If you want a social game, GO PLAY ONE. Complaining a game is not living up to what you think it should be is retarded. I prefer solo play, if someone shoots at me, i shoot them back. How is having more people going to change that aspect of the game. It won't. All it will do is put groups vs other groups with the exact same results.
  5. dranzerk

    1.5.8 Glitches

    BUG: Entering the ocean crashes GPU driver now on Nvidia card. I say crash, you can tell the game is running, just monitor goes black. Have to alt tab and close program. I am currently stuck in the ocean, everytime i log on, it just does it right away. Maybe changes to filling water bottle in ocean caused it? GTX 580 SLI cards fyi.