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About fenster2244

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  1. If you need any sort of medical assistance PLEASE don't hesitate to ask me. I don't care what "side" youre on, i'll come and help you out, no questions asked or positions given away.
  2. I love the idea of a trading post setup for respawned / new players. This could be a 'no fire' zone (but of course bandits may choose to disobey, if they want to be hunted). I'd be more than willing to help with setting it up / maintaining it. (At least one of them).
  3. Yeah let's have some more opposition. Right now everyone is holding hands and singing around the campfire at the castle. We need some bad guys to piss us off..
  4. As a player on this server and a survivor type player, i love playing here. Everyone I have come across (admin, his clan, and others) have all been incredibly helpful in getting me started. If you are looking for a safe place to live out your zombie survival dreams then please join us! Look for Fenster in game, i'd be glad to help if i can...
  5. the double barrel is definitely intimidating! The look and sound will be enough to make em 'simma don nah!'
  6. For simpler weapons, i prefer the winchester. Much larger "clip" size so reloading is minimal when the situation arises. Plus, the ammo takes up less space since it stacks in 15 rounds.
  7. fenster2244

    Friendlies in 1220

    I'm also willing to help any other friendly players get a start in 1220 with gear / medical supplies. PM me on here.
  8. fenster2244

    Friendlies in 1220

    Hey all, been playing mostly solo in 1220 and occasionally with my buddy, Dr. Balls. Looking for other people to run with or a clan to join up with. Cheers!