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heliman (DayZ)

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Everything posted by heliman (DayZ)

  1. heliman (DayZ)

    Stupid killing

    we need artillery strikes on their positions. come to my other thread brothers and sisters.
  2. heliman (DayZ)

    Artillery Strikes

    COD requires extensive skills to master not like dayz where you need to point and click.
  3. heliman (DayZ)

    Artillery Strikes

    You are scared about these coming into the game cause you are sniper camper who can't stand losing all his gear but will willfully engage all fresh spawns for the lols.
  4. heliman (DayZ)

    Artillery Strikes

    its the only way to counter snipers in the game.
  5. heliman (DayZ)

    Mirror mirror on the wall

    3rd person peek works just fine
  6. heliman (DayZ)

    Intelligent, Personal Scavenging

    the game already does this. ever wondered why suddenly your looking for a map and then you head to the most obvious place to find one only to find it. that's why. rewarding players for their playstyle... lets just leave it at meh which is a no for me atm.
  7. heliman (DayZ)

    Commodity Wars

    there is no sense to survival when everything you need spawns right in front of you. what happens when all your resources gets depleted what would you be scraping then? you should be horrified of yourself for taking the route of military weapons as a tool for survival.
  8. heliman (DayZ)

    Commodity Wars

    The map isn't small its quite large. You don't need different climates to grow different crops just favourable weather conditions with variable soil/terrain conditions suited for the different crops. Most of which aren't quite necessary for your survival just tools to counter wouldbe bandits. Doubt you understood what I had suggested in the OP. Areas would be initially be at its maximum producing capacity and then consumables would start to deplete. To replenish this reduction in supplies these farms need to be grown and maintained to ensure a steady supply of consumables in the region to the point where loot unique to the region starts appearing in the area.
  9. heliman (DayZ)

    Suicide option.

    you can do it in real life why do you want it ingame
  10. heliman (DayZ)

    Commodity Wars

  11. heliman (DayZ)

    Kid zombies

    kids have very fragile bodies so they cannot adapt to the zombie virus they just die due to blood loss.
  12. heliman (DayZ)

    Commodity Wars

    Its all about survival and this is one way to enhance the survival aspects of this game rather than just finding random loot spawns. Im not sure if you are suggesting "this is dayz not farmville" because there are certain aspects which make a game interesting and this is one of my suggestions. I haven't played farmville or haven't heard of it until you spoke but either way your comments are as good as the person you are.
  13. heliman (DayZ)

    Repaired cars and helicopters

    the helis will then become the roar and the wild will seek the juice but when the car is to be born then everything is lost.
  14. heliman (DayZ)


    Instead of starting out with a complete map torn bits of maps should be strewn around to piece together. Not only that there should be multiple versions of the maps. Eg: Grid Line Map, Fuel Line Map, Water Line Map, Treasure Map, Detailed Airport Map, Detailed Military Maps, Unknown Air maps linking different islands waiting to be found. what you guys think?
  15. heliman (DayZ)


    cult maps would be kinda cool too mapping different cult secrets or some biblical map revealing ancient weapons in burial sites.
  16. heliman (DayZ)

    Buildings with a purpose

    Like the idea behind the fuel station being the only way to refuel your vehicle. Expanding on this why not have other buildings have different functions to them rather than just loot spawns. Here are my thoughts on how some of these buildings can increase the knowledge of the player by either having to find bits of information or by conducting experiments in these buildings. 1. Schools (Labs are not part of every school on the map) Chemical Lab Ability to recognize chemical hazards in environment as well as to quarantine/recognize zombies with chemical mutations. Zombies with such mutations produce burns to the body requiring substantial treatment time to heal i.e. blood levels remain capped for a certain period. Biological Lab Ability to recognize biological hazards in the environment as well as to quarantine/recognize zombies with biological mutations. Much greater chance of catching an infection when moving amongst these zombies. 2. Hospitals Forensic Labs Ability to track more details in the environment but not limited to cause of death such as blood trails, bullet caliber, shoe size, shoe patterns etc. Pharma Labs More advanced medical treatment centre with the ability to create varying strains of infection in an area. Zombies need to be alive and bought into the labs for analysis and injected with chemicals to analyze and alter their strains as well as to harvest the required strain to alter zombies in another region. 3. Barracks Ability to learn better survival strategies in the form of nutrition, stamina, stealth, weapons maintenance, advanced frontline medical care techniques, traps, vehicle maintenance, equipment harvesting (items from the environment can now be harvested in such a way to create your own device/vehicle using blueprints available) etc. 4. Tec Industrial Building Improvised Vehicles Ability to create your own improvised vehicles based on blueprints found. Vehicle Upgrades Upgrades to existing vehicles can be carried out such as speed, vehicle disassembly, radio, frequency scanner, paint etc.
  17. heliman (DayZ)

    Buildings with a purpose

    Well kinda like military training manuals found only in the barracks which opens up more options. Improvised vehicles would require you to have a vehicle repair manual to create vehicles such as a buggy, motorbikes etc.
  18. heliman (DayZ)

    anti-wiki tactics

    those who look at the wikis only ruin the experience for themselves. doubt you can curb such attitudes.
  19. heliman (DayZ)

    What Is Your Favourite Weapon?

    m16 acog works like a pair of binocs with a gun attached to it.
  20. heliman (DayZ)

    what to do when fully geared?

    then try a new map like lingor
  21. heliman (DayZ)

    Is it my CPU or my Video card?

    Doubt you could sell it atm, but perhaps 20 years from now if the world still exists maybe a museum might find a place for that. Atm your stuff could be sold for a can of mountain dew on the streets.