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heliman (DayZ)

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Everything posted by heliman (DayZ)

  1. heliman (DayZ)

    Churches & Repentance

    Finally someone who gets my point.
  2. heliman (DayZ)

    Churches & Repentance

    A religion/faction system with different clothing i suppose? But it would make it hard to recognize if one faction is friendly or not when joining different servers. Quite similar to that idea where you have a more believable system but without having to choose religions or factions i.e. Survivors/Converts/Would-be Converts/Bandits was what i was leaning towards.
  3. heliman (DayZ)

    Churches & Repentance

    Let me answer that with a bit of a contradictory comment from one of the other poster's suggestion: So you ask isn't that what's already in the game? Yes its right in front of your eyes. There already exists a moral system in game whereby you kill another person your humanity goes to a negative value. Clearly in a lawless society why would morals hold anything of value is what you are trying to suggest. But yet it exists within the game. Remove the thought of what you perceive of religion in reality and let's call it in game the "Cult of Heliman" where you have bandits finally realizing their past mistakes to take on a new role which they would need to go to the cult's "headquarters" (believe it looks like a church in game) to have their humanity lowered. They could take on perhaps a new skin once they reach a positive humanity. Perhaps you may not like the idea of wearing a cross but in game it would mean either someone's trying to be converted but his/her humanity is still negative and once your reach a positive humanity your skin doesn't resemble that of survivor or a hero but that of a convert. This would make it easy to identify converts/would-be converts from bandits. In short: Survivors/Converts/Would-be Converts/Bandits. As you can see if someone tries to exploit the humanity system in this case they would most likely fall under the category of would-be converts as they wouldn't want to be fully converted since as a convert if you go about having a negative humanity again you then permanently become a bandit for that life. The trick to maintaining a would-be-convert status would be not have your humanity extremely low (e.g. killing multiple people at an instant without having your humanity reduced first.) A ring, a piece of cloth, a bracelet, a necklace, spectacles something along those lines without have to go all psychotic. Banditry just like being a hero is earned. But for those you don't like the status of being called a bandit a better alternative to the current system (i.e. as a bandit, humanity gradually get's lowered over time or can be exploited by helping out your teammate) would be to go the nearest cult "headquarters" to have your humanity reduced to the desired level. This could just be in the form of camping it out inside the headquarters for what desired humanity you would like to get it down.
  4. heliman (DayZ)

    Churches & Repentance

    So you feel oppressed by the most miniscule of religious thought. A thought that affects a minority people like yourself cause they hold some belief superior to common religious teachings which essentially derive much of their fundamentals from humanism. To say its not a good idea is to suggest its a bad idea which isn't really a suggestion.
  5. heliman (DayZ)

    Churches & Repentance

    The buildings in game look like churches but it would be easy to modify it and to have a fake religion in game in such a way they would mimic common religious themes such as going to a religious institution to ask for forgiveness which in game would mean the character would probably have to camp it out depending on how much humanity he wants to get it down to. Perhaps while we are at it we can all decide what name the religion would be called in game e.g. The Cult of Heliman
  6. heliman (DayZ)

    Churches & Repentance

    I believe you just called yourself a retard.
  7. heliman (DayZ)

    Churches & Repentance

    Alright lets change the idea a bit so as not involve any kneeling down but you would still need to go to the nearest religious institution to have your humanity reduced. Humanism maybe different to religion but then again this is just a game. To create a fallout with players i believe that would be a retarded thing to say. I mean you've got battlefield 3 which pitches a war between russians and americans, but yet you have the very same people playing this game cause they enjoy it without bringing their race into the game. I could think the same way, hey I'm russian and I don't like this game because it pitches something against me. The problem in that case lies with you and not the game.
  8. heliman (DayZ)

    Churches & Repentance

    As the game stands when you become a bandit humanity becomes negative and over time gets to zero. Don't really understand the logic behind that system since as a bandit you can't just give blood transfusions to random players to raise your humanity if you ever change your mind of becoming a survivor again. Hence some way of allowing the players to increase their humanity while being a bandit without having to automatically raise it over time as suggested in the OP was what i was leaning towards. Yes as the game stands, the humanity can be easily exploited by give transfusions to your teammate even as bandit and I am pretty sure this can be easily fixed.
  9. heliman (DayZ)

    Churches & Repentance

    None of them are truly unique to the victims you have massacred. Each trophy would be different for every victim you kill and this would not be in the form of loot on the corpse.
  10. heliman (DayZ)

    Churches & Repentance

    Well the animation already exists in the game when you eat or drink any consumable. So I highly doubt it would be hard to implement this in the game. As I mentioned in the OP atheist brother, you don't have to go to the church but you will have to carry the trophies of your victims throughout your journey to justify your killings.
  11. heliman (DayZ)

    Start with no backpack?

    sounds more like a rant.
  12. heliman (DayZ)

    Start with no backpack?

    It's alpha, take it easy.
  13. heliman (DayZ)

    Counter sniper measures

    Taken directly from wikipedia, How about having some of these in game probably you could set them up around hot spots or on your vehicle.
  14. heliman (DayZ)

    Left/Right handed weapon switch

    should have the ability to switch weapons to either left handed or right handed on the fly similar to the images on the dayz front page.
  15. heliman (DayZ)

    Dogs should return home.

    Lol this is a nice idea, ill steal your dog and he would then lead me to your base.
  16. heliman (DayZ)

    Counter sniper measures

    You are scared about these coming into the game cause you are sniper camper who can't stand losing all his gear but will willfully engage all fresh spawns for the lols.
  17. heliman (DayZ)

    Hero spawn benefits.

    heroes should spawn with a jar of vegemite and a loaf of bread.
  18. heliman (DayZ)

    Counter sniper measures

    L85 thermal is mostly used by sniper teams as a spotter weapon and the weapons accuracy is terrible at long ranges. The Boomerang probably would need calibration to properly detect where and what weapons are going off, so there would be a learning curve towards this particular tool so as to not make it really easy for everyone to spot locations.
  19. heliman (DayZ)

    whats the best way to report scripters

    You need play more frequently on regular servers cause you can easily get nametags on them. Then all you need are screenshots of the culprit and then you are good to go.
  20. Bandits are quite notorious along the coasts and rarely you find people going up north so i dont see how this is punishing any style of gameplay.
  21. heliman (DayZ)

    Evacuation mode

    take a break, have a kitkat
  22. maybe link the spawn system with your humanity such a way that bandits spawn at the coast and survivors either spawn up north or get to choose from a set of random spawn points.
  23. heliman (DayZ)

    Commodity Wars

    Myself and I propose to have commodities unique to each region. Commodities such as beans, cocoa, coffee, poultry, cattle, vegetables, fruits and other crops would be either cultivated in a region to enhance the region's growth rate (spawn rates of consumables in a region). Initially when a survivors spawns the resources in the entire region are at it maximum capacity. The resources then starts to decline and dwindles when not maintained. If the region is maintained in terms of finding the suitable crops for the given region and culitvating them, the regions growth rate increases to reach a point where certain unique loots appear in the area. These areas are prone to degradation as well as other pests such as bandits. What you guys think of this idea?
  24. heliman (DayZ)

    Commodity Wars

    Sure you don't have to plant them you can have someone else plant them while you go pluck the fruits of their labour to quench ur belly. I'll be there waiting for you in the bushes after you have plucked one of my crops, you bloody fruit theif.
  25. heliman (DayZ)

    Time of death

    when checking a dead person's body you should be able to tell how long they have been dead by checking the time on their watch because bad things happen when your watch stops working.