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About thequiet

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. You misunderstood the way Rocket worded it. The servers will handle all zombie spawning, so that you can't look at a town and assume it's empty because there are no zombies spawned yet. When zombies die, they'll be respawned, just like they are in the mod. He just wanted it to be more realistic and easier on the server.
  2. Hello. And before I get started, I want to apologize if this is in the wrong place. I couldn't find a wiki or support forum for rMod, but I think this question pertains more to Dayz Private Hives in general. I ALSO want to apologize if this question has been asked before. Anyway, I digress.. So, I run my own private server off of Pwnoz0r's private server emulator. If this is illegal, or if I'm supposed to do it some other way, I'd be more than happy to switch. The server is version and I use the default Day Z mission file. Now, my problem is that when I edit the server using the in-game editor, and then go to play it on my server, it doesn't work. For me or my friends. Please be sure to read this next section word for word, so I don't have to repeat myself in a reply. When I add custom objects, like walls for instance, it all works fine. But whenever I added NPCs or Ammo Crates or even a helicopter DIFFERENT from the current Day Z one, my server no longer works. It boots up perfectly fine, but when I get into the player list screen, the "OK" option to join the server is greyed out. The reason I bring up the example that I used, was because rMod should be allowing me to add NPCs and the like. Is there another way I'm supposed to do all this stuff? When I add, for example, a helicopter from Arma II into Day Z using my database, it works fine. But even if that's the way to do it, I have no idea how to add NPCs. So, in conclusion, I suppose this is a two-question support thread. #1: How do I fix this greyed out "Ok" issue, based on what I said? #2: How do I add NPCs to the server with rMod? Thanks in advance!
  3. Yeah, basically. As long as you guys aren't sharing the same one. You should be able to check by going to whatismyip.com. You both should have different ones.
  4. If you guys are sharing internet from the same NIC, then yes. DayZ doesn't allow the same IP per server to avoid things like people playing for free and such. I believe that's actually an Arma thing. Either way, that's your answer. He needs his own IP address, meaning his own connection to his own NIC. NIC = Network Interface Card
  5. thequiet

    A Hero's Tale

    That's sick Hunter. It's not easy to find people like that, and today is no different. My friends are being shot by random kids again :/ To elasticz, he was. Except for the name, I was really impressed with someone like that. I doubt he was hacking ;D
  6. thequiet

    A Hero's Tale

    I never said we hunted bandits. I said we killed them. As in, we used to sit there and ask, "Friendly", before biting a bullet. The line between douchebags and bandits slowly disappeared a long time ago. Sturm, I said this lasted four hours before we finally went to bed. He was a part of our group the whole time. And JMP, I'm sure he did haha :P
  7. thequiet

    A Hero's Tale

    Well, to be honest, I shortened it to hopefully encourage people to read it. The whole thing was about a four hour event. But thank you. We were literally discussing killing him the entire time. He had inadvertantly killed two of our group and they were a little eager to get revenge. At one point, my friend had said that if we killed him, he'd kill us. It's just a real burst of hope to see that there actually still are people willing to just be cool in the game.
  8. thequiet

    A Hero's Tale

    As a warning, this story will be pretty long, so I'll leave a TL;DR and put the actual story in a spoiler. But I would appreciate it if some of you reddit. Haha, get it? Yeah.. anyway.. So first, I'd like to establish a backstory, before the actual story starts. I bought Arma to play Day Z about 4 months ago. And at that time, I loved Day Z. It was new, it was fun, and it was exciting...for a week. Once I finally learned how to play, I learned that there was no end-game. There was nothing to strive for, nothing to work towards. Me and my friends literally ran around, killed people, helped people, got killed by people, got killed helping people, and died as soon as we finally found an AS-50 at a downed heli. So, I quit. I was sick of constant banditry, and bugs. But mostly, the banditry. To establish something, bandits suck. As in, I hate them. Killing bandits is something totally different, and I'm glad it's now recognized. But I digress. I'd lost faith in Day Z's population. It got so bad that people started killing newb characters, and by that I mean, fresh spawns. There were no longer PUG allies, it was all pre-made friend groups and everyone was an enemy. ------------------------------------------------ TL;DR: There are still heroes in Day Z. Or... at least non-bandits.