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Posts posted by Crocalu

  1. Hi, I'm Jacob

    Just now, just before 14:35 my time (GMT+1), I was killed by what I think was a hacker on LU424. Here's the story:

    I was with my friend at the Stary Sobor military camp. We were on the hill next to it, and I was providing cover with my M107 while my friend Advent repaired the car in the camp (we were finally going to get a vehicle). I was getting slightly paranoid because I constantly heard soft rustling nearby, as if someone was sneaking up on me. I constantly looked around and moved positions and could clearly see that there was noone to see around.

    My and my friend head up to our tent to get a Jerry Can. I stuck behind at the tent a bit, he ran out of the bushes, and got sniped by what appears to be a DMR (it took about 3 shots to kill him). My friend did not see anyone. I immediately abort out of fear of losing my M107, but a minute or two later I log back in to see if the guy is looting my friend's body. as soon as I'm in, 2 rounds get pumped into my body and I'm dead.

    I find it hard to believe that this guy (named 'Foreveralone') knew exactly where I was (I was very well-hidden near the bushes), and not only perfectly shooting my friend, but also remembering exactly where I stood and immediately shoot me.

    Now you might say 'you just stood still while setup was completed', but there was no 'setup' to complete since I had just left the area. I was in the server in a matter of seconds.

    Please leave me your thoughts. I wish I had pictures or video evidence, but there was a guy who shot so fast there was no time to take pictures, and besides, if he was invisible there's no need to take pictures of the bloody fucking grass.
