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Nate (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Nate (DayZ)

  1. (Pretty sure this happened on an east coast server, not 100% though) Ok so earlier today I stuck my fireaxe in the back of a shitty bandit's head after witnessing his KoS tactics on fresh spawns in cherno. So I looted his gear and had to log off for a bit. So I decided to D/C in the building i hunted him down in. Some time later I log into a NJ server to continue from where I left off. I find myself on the coast with nothing, completely whiped. I was frustrated and continued on for about 3 hours. I ended up all the way in Gorka and decently re-geared myself. The server then went down and I find another random server to continue looting Gorka for food. Here is the weird part. I then spawn ALL the way back in Cherno, where I had killed that bandit before, in the SAME building I logged off before, with the SAME loot, two servers ago. So I was again frustrated that 3 of my hours regaining my loot had been wasted yet again. Is there something I'm not understanding here? Why are my characters randomly whiping and then coming back after joining another server? TL;DR - Character whipes, I start a new character and fully gear myself, Log onto another server and I spawn with the last character that whiped. (Note that I am not server hopping either, this seems to happen when servers go down and I try to find either the same one or a new one.)
  2. Nate (DayZ)

    Sniper Rifles

    Man I've read every one of your sniper defense posts, and I've got to say you are so delusional and self-centered. Rocket has plenty of statements regarding the direction he wants this game to go. I don't even know why you made this thread. The mod was a complete failure of what it was intended to be. People like you are the ones that never really understood the Idea/concept that was originally intended. Judging by the posts you have made, I can guess that you really enjoy the combat aspect of the mod, and that you really get off to needlessly murdering non-threat survivors when you good and well know that you can survive on your own without having to do so. I've pretty much concluded that this game is just not for you. This game is actually picking up where the mod failed. You enjoyed what the mod became, so why don't you just stay over there ok? If I wanted to play with snipers all day, murdering for pleasure, I'd just go pick up one of the Cabela Big Game Hunter titles. TL;DR: You will not get your wish. the community is too smart to let that shit happen twice. Go back to the mod.
  3. Name - Nate - Location United States - GUID 01b7cd5bf545e13e95b40c04de87ff85 - Server looks really stable, and hacker free. I'd like to join.
  4. Nate (DayZ)

    Group ambush(6 vs 7 firefight)

    That was utterly pathetic on their part. Lmfao.
  5. Nate (DayZ)

    Video settings

    Use lowest possible, and your native resolution. I prefer it this way, me being a performance guy. (And it still looks good)
  6. Nate (DayZ)

    Worst possible "date" ever...I don't even... FML (serios)

    I laughed... So hard... What the fuck.
  7. Nate (DayZ)

    To the Lovely member of DES at NY68

    I'm about 197% sure, that he just got done telling you why he hides his information. . . lol'd. Edit: @Never What 'Never' said, right on. ^^^^^^^
  8. @OP I'm sorry you feel that way. Maybe this mod isn't for you. As for me on the other hand, I have had absolutely no problems starting off as I spawn. Edit: Also, my first time playing came with a lot of deaths before getting used to everything. Don't get discouraged.
  9. Nate (DayZ)

    [Video] Revenge

    No such thing as bandits.
  10. Nate (DayZ)

    SEATTLE 79 Admin Abuse.

    I saw the same shit a while ago. Except when I looked at it, it was set to where all his clan could join, then he locked it. Edit: Lol, he just set his server back to 40 players unlocked. I guess he saw this.
  11. Nate (DayZ)

    So rocket... is it Day-Zed or Daisy?

    I also call it Days, but I alternate between Day Zee and Days.
  12. Nate (DayZ)

    Heartbeating is almost like wallhack

    Read the title of the thread only. Supporting the removal of this shit.
  13. Nate (DayZ)

    Hatchet Rage

    Ahahahahaha! Omfg that made my damn day. Great vid, 5 stars.
  14. Nate (DayZ)

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Rocket don't forget about how you can hit home runs with a hatchet and a zombie. lolz.
  15. Nate (DayZ)

    How we lost a truck full of stuff

    Right on bro, your exactly right. It is hard to recover from two snipers shooting at you whilst focused on cooking some meat. ;)
  16. Nate (DayZ)

    Perhaps remove the "hide body" function?

    I wouldn't mind this actually, and I think this is a pretty good Idea. On the other hand, players like me, like to keep a low profile. If I am to do away with someone, I want to get rid of their body somehow if I'm going to be around the area a little longer. What I'm getting at is, maybe make it to where you can drag corpses so you may do away with them realistically instead of clicking a button and them vanishing. Example: Kill, drag body into some brush, nobody knew you were there. Profit.
  17. Nate (DayZ)

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Funny how a simple hotfix looks better than a regular update, and the rest of the details haven't even been release, nor is it done yet.
  18. Nate (DayZ)

    Bring back the startgun

    no . . /
  19. Nate (DayZ)

    DayZ dreamscene (animated wallpaper)

    Damn this is badass dude.
  20. Nate (DayZ)

    randomized starting gear

    No, then you'd have people respawning every ten seconds trying to obtain the best valued starting equipment, creating huge body pileups along the coast. Which also equals lag.
  21. I'm having no trouble finding food and water for myself. But I will re-edit this post if that changes.