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6 Neutral

About Sneekinbye

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I just want to add that the admins are all super active and fun to play with on this server! They get my beans!
  2. Love this server! Been playing here for over a month now. The new NPCS make the game alot more fun!
  3. Sneekinbye

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes please remove the barb wire all people use it for is to block doors for no reason.
  4. Sneekinbye

    Avoid server US 2289. Admin is a hacker.

    So I guess I have been accused of "Hacking". Let me first start out by stating that I don't hack,script or any of that crap people do. I am a legit player I would never cheat to give myself an advantage over other players. I believe your story is completly fake and being used as a way of making our server look bad.