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About xFyre

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. xFyre

    sg#500 vg dayz server: Hacker.

    Sorry guys, there have been loads of hackers on the server recently, I'm admin of the server and was present during the time where the teleporting happened, sadly, during this time, the Rcon for the server hasn't yet been started up and we were unable to kick and ban the hackers off the server, the best thing i could do was restart the server and hope they wouldn't come back. We'll try our best to keep the server hacker free, PM me if you know the names of the hackers. Cheers, xFyre
  2. So I log on to a server at night, but realize that this isn't reverse time server, so I log back out within 5 minutes of logging back in, then I log back in to another server, I go into my inventory to take out my flashlight since even though it said clearly on the title, UTC-7, some how it was still night time, and some freaking how, I go into my gear and see that my ALICE pack, Lee Enfield, M1911 and everything in my toolkit is gone. I worked so hard to get all that gear, you have no idea, baiting 4 bandits into a supermarket with a dead guy, then killing all of them from a window. their reactions, Priceless. But still, it hurts to see everything that I had gone because of some bug in the game.
  3. So I've just installed Arma 2 and OA, installed DayZ perfectly and I can connect to servers fine, but I get kicked very randomly because my "ping is too high", and I don't understand why I have such a bad ping even though my connection is fine and I play fine with perfect connection with other games like Battlefield. Help me! D:
  4. Really? that's really reckless to think of that, what about other players from locations that don't have a good a connection as you? Shouldn't they get a decent connection too? I live in South East Asia currently, and I don't fancy the thought of playing on a server half way across the world.
  5. xFyre

    Dayz Melee last resort

    Good idea, I watched the latest infantry combat in Arma 3, there's a last stand animation included in the game, so maybe you can shove people or zombies away with your feet while in last stand only?