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Everything posted by durkhaz

  1. durkhaz

    Sick of Hackers

    How do you know it were hackers who looted your camp? Just because they found it?
  2. I didn't mean to say that it's not working, sorry. I just wanted to point out, that you're complaining about things, without actually knowing if it's true or not.
  3. Judging by your post in the other thread, you already seem to know it's not working.
  4. durkhaz

    Crashed heli no loot?

    I don't want to pump up your ego, but I have to ask. Is Litfuse still a thing?
  5. durkhaz

    Bandit Help

    Your humanity level is still there, but it's hidden. Nothing changed (yet)
  6. durkhaz

    1.58 lag

    Same here. I get 15 fps at most. Gfx settings don't seem to change much.
  7. durkhaz

    Day Z mod updater

    [L3GIT]FULL 420 download(Tested)
  8. durkhaz

    Day Z mod updater

    Download the archives, put them in "arma 2 operation arrowhead\@dayz\Addons" and extract. It's not rocket science.
  9. durkhaz

    Day Z mod updater

    Just do it manually. It takes you about a minute or two.
  10. durkhaz

    1.5.8 graphical errors

    Just type it in. The "console" isn't visible, so you won't see your input.
  11. Your capslock key appears to be stuck. Stuck in your blind rage, you seem to forget, that you could just go indoors for a few minutes to regain temperature.
  12. durkhaz

    1.5.8 graphical errors

    That's a problem with the barbed wire lod model. It looks like this for weeks now. Just open your console and type in "flush". It will flush your vram and usually helps.