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Everything posted by Hardstyletaco

  1. Hardstyletaco

    N E E D H E L P

  2. Hardstyletaco

    Looking for a couple others

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKZ_AgKDc9s I am also, watch vid to see proof. Hoever, I have a squad I play with.
  3. Hardstyletaco

    DE 110 [XSOF] Hacker team.

    Nice job finding their base mate! Helps find them easier.
  4. Hardstyletaco


    Very detailed report. I as a player, thank you for playing legit. I hate hackers the most. Always killing us when we have good gear, or teleporting to us and killing us.
  5. Hardstyletaco

    Server US 1128

    On skelly island where heli spawns, there's a tent with 2 as50 aws's 2 m4a1 holo sd and 18 satchel charges. I found it by accident, though it's in the open. So check it out peeps who fix hackers and catch them.
  6. Hardstyletaco

    Intellectual Extreme Players

    I'm in the same boat your in mate. I'm 19, about to go to college, and I play with friends I know in real life. They're serious, but not serious enough for me sometimes. I have skype in my profile. Maybe we can chit chat. See if we're geared to work together maybe? I never care about dieing, I can always get the gear back. Just hate being killed cause my friends are too stupid to watch their backs. I always seem to be the look out, and the one watching every fucking angle for enemies. Half the time I end up saving them from an enemy trying to sneak up on them.
  7. Hardstyletaco

    DE 2007

    Some are awesome admins, while others must have been blind folded when picking some for their servers. Alright 9 idiots and one good smart man. let's blind fold ya... ok throw a ballon. the one hit is admin! >__>
  8. Hardstyletaco

    No loot on Green Mountain ?

    I never go to green mountain. TOOO many zombies in such small area. I run up with friends, check for vechicles then ditch ASAP.
  9. Hardstyletaco

    Dayz, steam, and dayz commander

    Yes. go to settings in dayz command, and check launch game and close commander after launch. :D thank me later
  10. Hardstyletaco


    Six launcher is shit. End of story. Use Dayz commander. MUCH better for launching dayz, and updating.
  11. Hardstyletaco


    Lawl. I died when your kept saying 'mother fucker!' 'got owned!' XD Crazy stuff. I would have just killed you, not wait around for you to come back. LOL He's an idoit, but I bet the revenge was sweet. ;D
  12. Hardstyletaco

    what to do when fully geared?

    You can always join a clan. I play with about 6 friends in real life, so I'm always dieing and getting new gear over and over. It's always a new story each time I play. The game has endless endings, and events. hacker fights. I fought a heli with one friend for 20 mins. two ak74's vs. mounted machine guns. we left cause they started teleporting us after we shot the end rotory to catch on fire 6 times.
  13. Hardstyletaco

    Servers overflowing with AS50s

    I somewhat agree with you. I've never found an AS50 to this day, I have only found DMR's or M24's. Everytime I get shot at, or killed by snipers they have the AS50. I always hear the loud ass 'ting' before the splat! then dead screen.
  14. I have no idea if this was posted yet, but never the less I'm going to state my few changes I'd love to see. 1. When it's raining, allow us to fill water bottles? 2. Make zombies run normal, not zig zaggy! (also fix them teleporting close to hit you X_X) 3. Make there be more bag space. (easier to get better bags?) 4. Make us not be able to run non stop? Like add in heat sickness or something? 5. Make food last longer. Shouldn't we be drinking 3 times more than eating if we're running non stop? 6. Allow for radio communication, or a system to message friends on server without telling everyone! (skype sucks sometimes) Sorta like finding a phone and sending texts? 7. Have zombies roam everywhere? instead of spawning when your near them, have a set number to match number of players. So if 5 people are on there's like 100 zombies randomly spread on server at all times. you kill one, a new one spawns somewhere random on map. So now everywhere is hostile! 8. More cars, and have a certain number on each server at all times! If one gets blown up, have another spawn somewhere. I hate not having any cars cause others hide them or blow them all up. It'll beat having to run all the damn time to get somewhere with 6 people. 9. This is with # 7 on my list. When trying to loot, it's tough cause of zombies spawning near the buildings. With them spread out more, it'll help looting, and allow people to take their time instead of always rushing! D< 10. MORE animals!!!! 11. NPC's or SAFE ZONES? 12. Server jumpers. FIX this please? have each server have it's own character? Like the lingor islands?, or so I've heard from friends.
  15. Hardstyletaco

    Why Bandit skins are a terrible idea.

    I finally got my first kill about 2 days ago. My humanity dropped from 12750 to -67. Within a few hours my humanity would rise out of nowhere. to 123, then 1473, now it's at 3458. I never got the bandit skin. Do I have to kill more than one person? On a different note, I agree with your statement. With bandit clothes, me as a new player are more toward killing you since your a player killer. There is too much KOS in this game. it's rare that you make friends, unless known in real life, or entering a clan possibly.