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About Hardstyletaco

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Florida, USA
  • Interests
    Video Games, Money, Women, Having fun, and floating onwards through life as if I'm a cloud.

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  • Bio
    Not much to know, i consider myself a cloud.
  1. Hardstyletaco

    Looking for a good server.

    Yeah I signed up. It was night so I died easily. XD I'm hoping to get on this morning and get some gear.
  2. There are a few issues with the game. Mostly small tweaks can change the game play greatly. 1. When you change to a bandit, or back to a survivor. STOP your bag from going away! OH my GAWD this pisses me off so much when I lose my guns and items. 2. When your squatting (crouching), and need to lay down. Don't make my guy run 6 feet ahead to lay down! I've fallen off buildings so much from that stupid fucking movement. 3. I'm all for timers to stop people form leaving, but make the option to re-spawn. I don't wanna wait 5 min to fucking die, let me have the option to just die and re-spawn. Thank you. If you agree, say so, or post any issues you have.
  3. Hello everyone. My friends and I are looking for a good server to play on. We've tried many private hives, and normal servers. Each end up going to hell quickly. We simply want a smooth running server, Preferably a Private Hive. Without lagging to bandage or give blood transfusions. Not to mention, we want something quick to get into, with active admins. We're bandits, so expect us to come and kill everyone we see. : D
  4. Hardstyletaco

    Damn Lee Enfield sucks.

    It is for some, but over all it's shitty to me. I prefer assault rifles and snipers.
  5. Hardstyletaco

    Damn Lee Enfield sucks.

    The Lee officially sucks major ass. I was playing last night in Electro. The damn Lee was missing every shot. Even when the person I was hunting was standing still to loot a body.
  6. Hardstyletaco

    A DayZ Series. Come watch!

    More will be out shortly everyone. Thank you for the support you've given already.
  7. Hardstyletaco

    THis is some straight up bull.

    Yeah Zombies can be assholes. Another thing I hate is when your skin changes and you lose your backpack.
  8. Hardstyletaco

    A DayZ Series. Come watch!

    Episode 17 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rtf2X-jqNk
  9. Hardstyletaco

    A DayZ Series. Come watch!

    Episode 16 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xwse6_L2Qlg
  10. Hardstyletaco

    THis is some straight up bull.

    Yeah. The fact that they sorta teleport when in range and hit you makes it shitty.
  11. Hardstyletaco

    A DayZ Series. Come watch!

    Episode 15 Ahh I get owned. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrXPpCkow8Y&feature=channel&list=UL
  12. Hardstyletaco

    A DayZ Series. Come watch!

    Episode 14 We turn on each other and end the video in a nice way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOOJaXNMfmw&feature=channel&list=UL
  13. Hardstyletaco

    A DayZ Series. Come watch!

    Episode 13 XD I lead a guy with an axe attacking me to a friend who kills him. So much fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1SuGCppf4I
  14. Hardstyletaco

    A DayZ Series. Come watch!

    Episode 12 Server hoping on private servers. We try to kill a guy on top of Hospital in Electro. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hp7aJtUUV8&feature=channel&list=UL
  15. Hardstyletaco

    A DayZ Series. Come watch!

    Episode 11 Private hive hunting. >D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWinnfhyUY4&feature=channel&list=UL