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About VicOzzy

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  1. I really enjoyed the idea of this group, but after watching a few videos and reading the account of IxTalentShow, seriously, go fuck yourselves... Good job IxTalentShow! Looking forward to meet you in Chernarus =)
  2. a friend of mine (Famous123) also signed up (on Thursday) and has yet to receive his notification... I NEED MY BUDDY!!!! =(
  3. when is the server going to update to I tried getting in a few times and i can't play it because server is still on older version...
  4. Went to the server tonight... it was pretty full! Bandit in Elektro made me flee north into the woods. It was too dark to go venturing anywhere, so decided to kill a boar, gut it, and then relax by the fireplace... really missed the guy with the guitar from the STALKER series =(
  5. VicOzzy

    A little interpretation

    I also would prefer a hard copy! =)
  6. it seems a good idea, but then again, players carrying bloodbags of 0 type only would subvert your intentions. I'm sure this would work making the rarity of bloodbags of different types spawn differently.
  7. Just a small update: I logged on last night, spawned on the pier of Elektro. Immediately spotted a chopper and requested a lift. They picked me up and, since i had just spawned, they dropped at the NW Airfield to get some gear. Unfortunately it was night time and the graphical glitches were too heavy for me to advance anywhere significantly... Still, the guys were all pretty awesome! The chopper was being commandeered by iG fellows, who were all eager to assist. Thank you for the experience guys, i will see you again tonight! =)
  8. it seems like we already have some friendly rivalry starting! =) i'll begin my adventuring tonight (please don't shoot me)
  9. Just fulfilled my application! Looking forward to see you online.
  10. It seems like a wonderful server. I understand how you feel about the 3d view foxdie, besides being useful, it helps with motion sickness. I'll try to adapt to it.... cheers, vic
  11. VicOzzy

    =UWS= United We Stand ~ RECRUITING (Est. 2003)

    Hi Trunkz! I play BF3 (think have played on one of your servers before) and also began playing DayZ as a survivor (have yet to some bandit hunting, i rather let live if they are doing no harm rather than shoot on sight). I'll join your teamspeak when i'm playing. Looking forward to see you on the battlefield! =) Cheers, Vic
  12. I, a good-natured and helpful survivor, was once eating some beans at the market in Zelenogorsk, when all of a sudden another survivor enters the market (whilst i had my inventory still open), and, without warning, simply shoots me in the head. I was a bit pissed since that was my longest survival thus far, but whilst my body lay there dying, i noticed he was being chased by a horde of zeds. I suppose it was just another trigger-nervous survivor who would have benefited from my help in dealing with zombies instead of shooting on sight, the idiot........ Your approach was reasonable, but since he was so close, you could have issued a warning (in which case he would have known you were there and probably try to kill you....) It's hard to trust people in Chernarus, even if you're friendly, most won't care about you. =(
  13. Nice job digging up this info! I'd like to join. Not a big fan of bandits, specially when they are organized and have an agenda...
  14. Love this initiative, and really want a tactical group to play with. Age: 25 Steam: vicozzy Timezone: GMT +0 Location: Oporto, Portugal. Play on European servers. Bandit/Hero: Survivor (i try to be a hero, but i haven't found many friendly players to get there. No murders on my account, however) Play style in day z?: Squad leader, scout, lone wolf, cautious and self-sufficient, always friendly unless driven otherwise. Will play as commanded and required by squad-leader. Will you be getting standalone? YES!!!