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Everything posted by KTL SHiNE

  1. KTL SHiNE

    AU 500 Private Hive

    Haha I love this server always action north west, for example last night we got shot down near NWAF, come back and find people hanging around our car, I open fire and almost kill one, they drove away. Next day a helicopter flies over NWAF and start opening fire and follows me all the way to stary. Great server guys always action and fun.
  2. KTL SHiNE

    New server for bandit groups

  3. I have the same problem and I have done that, didnt fix anything :/
  4. KTL SHiNE

    Will it Run? New PC

    Ok so I expect this to run DayZ as its got better specs then my current one ( which runs high at about 10fps) but would like your opinions- 3rd Generation Intel Core i5-3210M 2.50GHz CPU 8GB RAM AMD Radeon HD 7670M
  5. KTL SHiNE

    Will it Run? New PC

    Sorry my derp momment of the day, Thanks for reply you seem to know alot about this topic as ive seen from your posts and respect you opinion.
  6. KTL SHiNE

    Will it Run? New PC

    sorry had some trouble for some reason with posting, updated now
  7. KTL SHiNE

    Will it Run? New PC

    3rd Generation Intel Core i5-3210M 2.50GHz CPU 8GB RAM AMD Radeon HD 7670M
  8. KTL SHiNE

    Why I host a non-hive server

    You sir are a fucking retard, he did not even suggest create a game he said he made a MOD you fucking retard!! back to primary school and off these forums please! "DAYZ MOD" for a reason.
  9. I can't wait to try this server, me and my sqaud are sick of hackers or even legit players these days because its so easy to find max gear in a tent and all the legit players ALT F4, will try next time I'm on. Is there any way to donate to this server? I would happily donate $30
  10. As50 Tws was In the game u retard, also it's stated banning People for things that battle eye classify as not cheating is admin abuse, back to school fOr you
  11. My squad have killed Oshi and dasquirrelnuts on DE 46 before, I personally had only been involved in oshi's kill at stary warehouse but was a fresh spawn in electro when they killed dasquirrelnuts in nwaf tree line behind barracks, I am not bragging but killing such good people is such an achievement - respect to his squad for not alt f4 when knocked our as well
  12. KTL SHiNE

    Strangest thing happened.

    That happened to me I think it's got something I do with a sever restart ( with my case atleast) was about 3 hours later I hop on an I ha my gear and same location
  13. KTL SHiNE

    Looting supermarkets...

    No this is a glitch in a recent patch with zelenergorsk I've Ben on 6 different servers and have walked to the shop from afar away as nwaf and no loot, my friends hav also been experiencing this , when I say no loot I mean not even trash loot OR BEANS
  14. I understand what you are saying and I mean no hate at you but really a pistol doing that much health? Maybe if it had some crazy recoil or delay, second of all a automatic gun such as a M4 (trying to relate) will not take 12 shots to kill people maybe 4-5 at MAX. Another thing, a DMR or CZ550 will do much more damage then that,even in the leg... Finally people need rewards for finding high end military gear, I mean why go through raiding and all that for a high end assault rifle such as a M4 if a pistol can do 6x more damage. Let's also not forget this is a video game , yes it may relate to a military simulator, but it's still a game, if you want realism go out there yourself.... Sorry if this came out as hate but that is just my opinion :) either way I wish you good intentions with this post. ( sorry for misspells, IPods autocorrect is a bitch)
  15. KTL SHiNE

    Nuke end game/ server reset

    Nuke? Back to COD bro.