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trichome (DayZ)

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Everything posted by trichome (DayZ)

  1. trichome (DayZ)

    Replace the AS50 and M107 with the KSVK?

    Speak for yourself! Just remove yourself pls with the rest of the whiners.I'm really sick and tired of n00bs calling for more dumbing down of DayZ.
  2. 1. can be easily addressed with a keyboard macro2. GTFO if you die, your dead you should not spawn next to your body so you can just recover all your gear, if you want it then you should have to go and get it not have it handed to you on a plate.
  3. trichome (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    The problem with a poll is unless it's in game when you join or something then it's pointless cause all you will get is a poll maybe here and on reddit where you'll get a few 100 votes.This DOES NOT REPRESENT THE DAYZ community of 1.6million and it's results are worthless. Much like the L85 vote where 300 or so whiners decided for a community of 1.5 million players.
  4. trichome (DayZ)

    Too much pvp not enough survival

    The people in this thread are whats destroying DayZ. They don't want to learn and adapt to the gameplay, they want it dumbed down to their level. All I'm seeing here is whining about having less zombies and less pvp so what your left with is loot hoarders and tree huggers singing in the woods with the animals. No thanks!
  5. trichome (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Ok so may I ask what the hell you have done to the zombies in I'm currently testing on my own server and I can run, fire off weapons in the center of electro and not one zombie aggros or runs for me. Even when I do aggro one or two I can just run around a building and there gone. I try the same on our namalsk server which is running and open a can of beans and every zombie in vorkuta coming running for me. Can you please put the zombies back to cause now there just a waste of time. Took me 15mins from fresh spawn to get fully geared on thats just far too easy. Give us back the rampaging hoards please.
  6. trichome (DayZ)

    GTX Titan upgrade

    At there current prices the Titans are far from worth it. If you've got money to burn then by all means go for it :thumbsup:
  7. trichome (DayZ)

    Dayz No PvP and No hackers

    Op then maybe DayZ is not for you. pvp is an essential part of the game just as surviving is. Remove that and there's half a game left with no challenge what so ever as zombies are still a joke. Loosing your gear is also a part of DayZ, don't like that then don't play it.
  8. I don't think a campaign would fit into DayZ. It's a multiplayer mod that thrives on player v player interaction as well as player v environment and you can't capture both in a single player campaign. As for a story me personally I could care less. I never bother with stories or the characters tbh so for me no doesnt need it.
  9. trichome (DayZ)

    Standalone - private hives?

    What and go back to what we have now where public hives are nothing more than script kiddies playgrounds where admins can't do shit to stop them. And your generalisation about private hives is also wrong. Not all private hive admins abuse their powers like you claim above.Get off your hate train for private hives and stop spreading bullshit
  10. This is a non issue. The SA is going to support private hives so there will be no server hopping,ghosting unless you want to join the quagmire that is public hives. Good luck with that!
  11. trichome (DayZ)

    is dayz 100% PvP on the long term?

    I've two roles I hunt players, kill them and take their gear or I provide overwatch for my team as they hunt players, kill them and take their gear :thumbsup:
  12. trichome (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Immersion breaker??? And I suppose you play on a 3dp server with name tags, kill messages and all the other ACTUAL IMMERSION BREAKERS.And please give the houty touty shite a rest. Your not coming across as intelligent for that shite you just look like an ass. Having a can of beans or drink with what ever on it DOES NOT BREAK ANY IMMERSION thats the most retarded thing I've heard around here; cause most if not all the servers have 3dp enabled! NOW THATS A MONUMENTAL IMMERSION BREAKER RIGHT THERE.
  13. trichome (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I've held back to now but no more. This community has stepped to a new low. First they were screaming and shouting for removal of weapons, not enough zombies, too many zombies, bla bla bla, now were onto removing food items? Are you guys FUCKING serious? Quite frankly the dev team needs to stop pandering to a few hundred whiners that will never be happy no matter what you do(there's 1.499 million players that are not whining). You fix one thing and no sooner have they moved on to the next thing to whine about. Its fucking ridiculous. excuse the language but enough is enough!
  14. trichome (DayZ)

    Fed up of fighting in Cherno and Elecktro

    Hold on if Namalsk bored you to death then as has been suggested maybe look for another game. Namalsk is one of the best pvp maps in the game if that was what you were after but I have my doubts now tbh.When you figure out what you like come back and we'll talk!
  15. trichome (DayZ)

    Rethink 3rd person view

    It needs to be removed period. It's an exploit that should never have existed in the game. However as usual the whiners will scream and tears will flow at loosing their precious exploit. They've got so used to cheating round corners and over roof tops they couldent play the game without it now and they give this bullshit argument about immersion yeah 3dp kills it. Having a camera 3meters above my head does not increase immersion it turns an excellent simulator into a cheap tacky arcade fps.
  16. trichome (DayZ)

    Fed up of fighting in Cherno and Elecktro

    It's nothing like DayZ and I've no idea why people round here suggest it.We run a Namalsk server and you'll get pvp fights anywhere around the map. You'll also get the toughest zombies in the game on Namalsk and EVR's to also fuck you up :D. Can't remember the last time I played DayZ on Cherno!
  17. trichome (DayZ)

    Repeat offender - Can't get rid of him

    Ban his IP if he comes back run a whois on his IP and ban the whole range its in. I don't bother with GUID bans as they can pick up GUID's far too easily; IP bans all the way stops them dead in their tracks.
  18. We use bliss so for me I just update the instance_vehicle table. I have no idea what the other hives db schema's are so can't tell you what tables you need to check. .
  19. And thats where Private Hives can prevent that and keep them in check as we do.We've had our Namalsk server up now for about 6mths and in that time I've found 1 AS50, 3 M107s and 2 KSVK's and lost them all again :P bar the AS50 which I currently have in my inventory. We have all guns in the game spawning and there's no duping on our server and theres not tons of them all over the place it's fairly balanced between non 50's and 50's.
  20. trichome (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Were running Namalsk 0.74 on the last published version of bliss by Ayan(its also the same version Sumrak and his testers used to test 0.74). I manually updated the db schema to support the changes and it's working pretty smoothly.There's an issue with the CfgBuildingLootNamalskNOER7 loot tables (no loot spawns in buildings) however the default CfgBuildingLootNamalsk loot tables are working fine and have shown no issues so far for us.
  21. It's only harder to shoot when you don't know how to use the built in rangefinder once you get the hang of that, killing with the KSVK is childs play.
  22. trichome (DayZ)

    M107 Barrett .50 cal getting banned everywhere..

    Oh look you again. whiny bill calling for all weapons he doesnt like to be removed from the game. I never mentioned 50 cals I said non 50 cals! :rolleyes:@OP the M107, AS50, KSVK all spawn on our server and will NEVER be banned. We also have the L85A2 AWS spawning as well if you like some thermal action. All server owners need to do is change the beta version their server is running on if there seeing this bug with the M107 locking on.
  23. trichome (DayZ)

    M107 Barrett .50 cal getting banned everywhere..

    ROFL!The dmr is a noobs rifle for twats that can't get a headshot. If your talking about a good non 50 cal then you won't get a better rifle than the M24. The whining around here is getting patheic about people getting killed by weapons they don't like. And as usual it's the same ones as always calling for more weapons to be removed from the game to suit their level.
  24. If you want intense pvp with the hardest zombies and hardest map in the game then Namalsk wins hands down. EVR's, Bloodsuckers, Extra Zombies, Weather Effects, and with the lastest update the ability to Fix broken GPS,NVG's and Radio's Namalsk proivdes a challenge that no other map comes even close to. Havent played anthing else in months and won't be chaning till SA hits.
  25. No one will spot it because you posted in the wrong section. Should have went to Private Hive and posted there. If your nice to the mods they might move it for you if not prepare thy self for the graveyard :D