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trichome (DayZ)

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Everything posted by trichome (DayZ)

  1. trichome (DayZ)

    Lingor Island is Just a PVP / Glitch Fest

    Lingor is awesome. As always head north and you'll eventually come accross the prison with 4 military barracks :thumbsup: I kid you not. The island is overflowing with loot. And the dude in the vidieo should try walking in a straight line for a change instead of going around in circles lol. He'll get a lot further.
  2. trichome (DayZ)

    banned want to restart

    I could tell you the answer to your problem but your a cheating scumbag who got caught so I'll tell you nothing but to GTFO and don't come back.
  3. trichome (DayZ)

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Well lets hope uncle frank has learned his lesson. Don't run upto somebody else's jeep when there in it and armed cause if you do your not going to have a good day!
  4. trichome (DayZ)

    so are you globally banned?

    And why should anybody try to help these gimps who tried to cheat and got cheated???I say fuck em, they made the decision to cheat and got fucked over in the process. Seems to me they got what they deserved. :thumbsup:
  5. trichome (DayZ)

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Until it's completely fixed remove it. It's only useful to griefers at the minute and DayZ has enough of those twats already.
  6. trichome (DayZ)

    to the ghillie guys on DE 1762

    Would you care to elaborate on the near ostry bit :P perhaps coords and you can have :beans: B)
  7. trichome (DayZ)

    Advice for the NW Airfield?

    Unless your going to farm the barracks your wasting your time. As has been previously said go after heli crash sites less risk than the airfield, theres more spots to loot and they spawn better weapons.
  8. trichome (DayZ)

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    CZ550, it was like the game knew I ran as a sniper and provided just what was required B)
  9. trichome (DayZ)

    Repaired cars and helicopters

    I'll take some of what your smoking :D
  10. trichome (DayZ)

    How to get to airfield from electrik?

    Not sure if serious! Well you could start by facing I don't know north maybe??????????
  11. trichome (DayZ)

    Too many sniper rifles

    OP all your points are invalid because sniper rifles are very rare. Theres too many sniper rifles because of script kiddies giving everybody and their granny an AS50 TWS or whatever. The bugs need to be fixed not the game changed to suit your style of gameplay. And a big lolz to all the bf/cod kiddies calling for them to be removed, go back to bf3 where there's no 50cals and all the guns are the same!
  12. trichome (DayZ)

    cars keep disappearing

    Yet another bug, same happens with our heli. On every sever restart it resets back to its spawn location in it's broken state. Very annoying as you can fully repair it only for it to go back to broken on the next server restart.
  13. trichome (DayZ)

    Nerf zombie speeds

    No if anything they should be faster. zeds are nothing more than an inconvience atm. We need more zeds that are faster, more aggressive and see you from further away during the day. and the soldier zed's should be far more aggressive than the rest.
  14. trichome (DayZ)


    oh Really! so what did we do when the mod first came out??? There was NO debug monitor! Your blood icon is more than enough! maybe you should start using it instead of relying on the dev's debuging info.
  15. trichome (DayZ)

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Only faggots whine about snipers. If you can't deal with a sniper your playing the wrong game. Pokemon is that way ->To keep in the spirit of the thread this image is dedicated to you RaviN..look no guns...
  16. trichome (DayZ)

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    Oh luck the n00bs are trying this on again. SNIPER RIFLES ARE FINE AS THEY ARE. Duping and bugged tents are the problem not SNIPERS!
  17. trichome (DayZ)

    Servers overflowing with AS50s

    You were doing well with your first statement: Duped, that's the problem plain and simple nothing else the rest of your rant just makes you look like a little kid who got sniped too many times for your own good. Well first lets get the weapons right before you start making sweeping statements about snipers. It's not the only one hit kill weapon in the game. M107 will also kill to the body as will any of the sniper rifles to the head and most AR's, and SMG's hell even the hand guns are one hit kill to the head. I provide overwatch for my buddies most of the time but I will also raid the barracks at the NWA or tents at stary for the lulz with shock horror an AR. Don't always assume all snipers are on electro hills or cherno hills sniping n00bies. That's a small % of the population who I'm guessing are mostly young, from cod/bf and don't know any better. And I'm all for a DB reset after they fix the duping and tents otherwise we'll be back to square one in a few days.
  18. trichome (DayZ)

    Are AS50 TWS's in the game or hacked?

    Well when they fix the duping and magical respawning tents they should do a complete DB wipe and clear everything and that would restore rare weapons back where they belong.
  19. trichome (DayZ)

    Are AS50 TWS's in the game or hacked?

    If your going to keep it make sure the server your going onto allows hacked weapons. A lot of admins will ban you on the spot for just having that weapon as they can't tell there and then whether it was you who scripted it in or somebody else. That takes time to go through the logs which aint going to happen straight away. Myself I'd ban you on the spot incase your the script kiddie who spawned it and worry about your ban later. If I found you dident script it then I'd lift the ban but I'll always protect the other 49 players on the server over somebody with a hacked in weapon. Best thing to do is put it on a dead player or zombie and hide the body.
  20. trichome (DayZ)

    Private Hive server admin behaviour

    His server, his hive he can admin it how he likes and keep script kiddies and self entitled kids like the op the fuck off the server. Private hives are the only way to enjoy DayZ atm since the main mod is infested with script kiddies and self entitled little spoilt brats that run to the DayZ dev team squealing like the little pigs they are about the admin sneazing.
  21. trichome (DayZ)

    Why is this happening?

    That would be artifacts from Dead soldier bodies and barbed wire. It will be fixed sooner or later
  22. trichome (DayZ)

    [Video] My epic bike failure

    ROFL! EPIC indeed. That quarry is a killer :thumbsup:
  23. yeah looks like a lovely game for a console
  24. trichome (DayZ)

    I found a generator...

    Stick it up your nose and hop around like a rabbit through cherno and electro :o