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trichome (DayZ)

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Everything posted by trichome (DayZ)

  1. That ain't no hacker. That's a butt hurt admin probably cause you got the heli before he did. If its an official server report it and the admin.
  2. I guess he couldent shake off the cod kiddie in him...tut tut
  3. trichome (DayZ)

    Playing in a clan SUCKS!

    Unfortunatley you picked a bunch of arseholes to play with. Most clans are not like this and will be happy to help you. My advise would be to stick with them till you get as many as you can around you and when you get your chance gun them all down blow up their vehicles and destroy their tents then leave with your head held high :thumbsup:
  4. Ignoring that fact that the DayZ Official servers are at saturation point with skiddies dosent really address the issue does it?? Ofcourse your not going to see hackers running rampant on a private hive cause the owners can ban any that come on...we don't have that luxury with the Offical servers.
  5. I would tend to agree with Taiphoz on this, script kiddies are rampant on DayZ public servers. We have even had them try on our private DayZ servers needless to say they don't last very long and get a nice perma ban to go with their scripting efforts. I find myself avoiding our pub dayz server now and sticking with our private servers that we control.
  6. trichome (DayZ)

    Remove NVG and TWS

    I do!And plenty want the challenge, not everybody is like you and your carebare brigade who thinks everything has to be balanced and easy mode. Balance sucks balls and does not belong in a simulation of anything. Life is not balanced, war is not balanced so why should a simulation of either be balanced?? Do you think if there ever was such as thing as an apocalyspse it would be balanced?? GTFO
  7. trichome (DayZ)

    Remove NVG and TWS

    Yeah cause its just so small :rolleyes: I know plenty of career Snipers who would disagree with you on that one, but you know them all right? So yet again you know everybody who want's them and how they play.you da man! guys we got us a badass psychic here! Watch out!
  8. trichome (DayZ)

    Remove NVG and TWS

    It has everything to do with hand holding and crybabies. First and foremost Dayz was never balanced and it was much better for it. I'm sick and tired of people like you who think because you like a certain playstyle everybody else should as well. Well NEWSFLASH we don't!And I've seen the SurviveN00bDayZ and it's well for people like you. So if you think it's so good play it and stop trying to turn DayZ into yet another generic boring fps like the rest.
  9. Removing everything but the kitchen sink makes the game harder... interesting logic. Not interested in a balanced Dayz if I wanted a balanced fps I'd be playing cod/bf3. Interesting that you think nvgs are not suitable for a zombie apocalypse but chinooks are...again awesome logic. I'll stick with the real dayz that doesnt pander to n00bs whining about getting killed by guns which you clearly have.
  10. trichome (DayZ)

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    Theres nothing ethical about this whatso ever. Way up to make a big deal out of nothing. Lets seperate the line here you know between a GAME and reality. There's absolutelynothing ethical or wrong about having babies in computer games, newsflash we've had zombie babies before in games. Shock horror it dident cause a moral break down or any ethical high jinks. GTFO your high horse and stop trying to insinuate theres an issue when there isent. Are you a 'News of the World' journalist by any chance?
  11. trichome (DayZ)

    Server hopping just to get a Heli or 6

    And this is a private server I take it?dumbing down the game is against the rules i.e removing what you and your community buddies don't like. And fyi dayz is NOT balanced at all and never has been; thats what makes it so popular. We dont need know it alls like you who think you have the right to impose how you play on everybody. If your not going to leave DayZ as it is why bother playing it...
  12. trichome (DayZ)

    DayZ is a joke in its current form

    OP You say the fun is going for you. Well not everybody is like you thank god. Dayz is not just about zombies and playing with the animals in the woods and the quicker you carebares realise this the better for us all. A large part of it is pvp. And for me the zombies are nothing more than an incovience now put another player in that zombie position and its a whole new ball game and that gets my heart racing and its into fighting mode. pvp is what makes DayZ what it is if you don't like that then maybe it's not for you.
  13. Lets take out all the whiners trying to gimp dayz into another generic shooter where all the guns are the same. GTFO the lot of you. You don't want 50cals then go play bf3 and leave NOW!
  14. trichome (DayZ)

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    Anybody who thinks its disturbing needs to sort themselfs out. So their fine with blowing somebodys head off, or getting ripped to pieces by zombies but zombie kids is a no no get real. Bring on the babies! and females while your at it :thumbsup:
  15. trichome (DayZ)

    Taken by force - Armed chase

    DMR defaults at 300m. Then 100m per mildot after that. So you can accuratly hit out to 800m or higher depending on your skill.
  16. trichome (DayZ)

    Taken by force - Armed chase

    You don't zero the DMR you use the mil dot's. And talk about spraying a praying lolz. That was painful to watch and you've nothing to be proud off you got lucky!
  17. I'd say you had the zombie attraction and dc'd too late to save your sorry ass. Don't dc when your getting attacked by either zombies or players. Other than that as fraggle suggested suck it up and get back up to the Airfield. Which btw you can get to from the coast in 20-30mins if you run straight up.
  18. trichome (DayZ)

    Heli Crash sites and loot spawns

    NVG's are rare but they do spawn at heli crash sites myself I've found them at two different heli crashes, also found AS50's, M107's, Bizon's, Fal's both types and L85's. You really need to be on when the server restarts and then go hunting for them otherwise you'll usually be to late.
  19. trichome (DayZ)

    M136 - Very Rare - Rocket Launcher

    One of our guys found one with a rocket at the North East barracks at the NWA. Fired it off for the most disapointing load a shite we ever seen. It may be the rarest weapon but its also the most useless in the game and its takes your backpack slot when you equip it.
  20. trichome (DayZ)

    Duping gone please, ruining the game.

    That does not always work. We've have destroyed tents by various means and after a restart they are back full of gear that has duplicated itself so instead of having say an M4 SD, and M107 in the tent after a restart there's two M4 SD's and two M107's. Tents and vehicles are seriously messed up atm so I think your wrong to think everybody is duping there not it's a bloody bug. Your really wasting your time if you think your getting rid of all the gear.Best would be to do a db wipe on items and gear and just leave the gear that each player has on them after they fix the bugs. Until then you'll be doing nothing but emptying tents and saving them when you could be playing DayZ.
  21. trichome (DayZ)

    Regular players "lost" to private servers?

    It's simple OP we can run our private server how we like without us having to worry about banning cheaters and jackasses who come running and whining to the devs like the little shits they are. No duping, no cheating, no asshats, no griefers why would you not want any of that B) and you get to play on Lingor :thumbsup:
  22. trichome (DayZ)

    [VIDEO] DayZ Massive Camp Destroyed w/ Satchel Charges!

    Wow everybody better watch out you guys are badass... but pointless and a waste of good satchel charges that would have been better used for an ambush! as a server restart will make them all magically respawn. Way to go you really got em NOT!
  23. trichome (DayZ)

    I admit defeat

    Welcome to the real DayZ :thumbsup:not pussy footing around in the wilderness stroking goats and cows for your kicks! Get out there and kill em all!
  24. trichome (DayZ)

    I am always coming across the weirdest shit

    gotta love hackers, we've a few boats dotted around chernarus. Could have been a flood :huh:
  25. trichome (DayZ)

    Camp Fire Massacre Video

    You killed 3 players sitting down...thats no massacre pfft try harder!Was expecting to see an epic firefight and tons of people get gunned down and you present 3 sitting targets ROFL! We got us a badass here guys, watch out!