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About voodooactual

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. We rallied up in a church, bandit decided he wanted the church.. we had no ammo.
  2. voodooactual

    Becoming a bandit PVP montage

    I will provide picture proof if deemed necessary, I just would've hoped people wouldn't be all Narcissist about believing things. I personally only really engage under 2 pretenses - 1) They're geared to kill/got something I want 2) They're a threat Obviously, the lines that differentiate those can sometimes become blurred. Also - Nice to see another northerner, especially from Lancashire (Like me)
  3. voodooactual

    Becoming a bandit PVP montage

    Bandits are meant to have a modicum of respect - Ever heard of the phrase, "Honour among Theives"? As a bandit (and I can't be such a bad one as I'm currently on day 41) who I'd consider myself practically geared for any scenario, I never pick on "easy" or "Cheap" kills. Why? It's a waste of ammo, and a waste of time. Why murder someone who's got nothing for you to gain? Make the game a challenge for yourself, and kill something that's a challenge.
  4. voodooactual

    Help me get started.

    As a personal tip, I find the Military Medical Camp at Balota the greatest place to find "Low" Military grade weapons (M16A2, M4A1, AKM, AKS-74U, AK-74) and a pocket of ammo, as it's simply 4 deer stands in one place. Do be wary though, as the airfield also has some half decent stuff there, but generally I find more at the Medical Camp.
  5. voodooactual

    M107 with Backpack?

    Mate, they changed it a while back.. I carry an AS-50 In my pack with an M4A1 CCO SD as a main, and interchange whenever required.. Note, this is with a Coyote Backpack.
  6. voodooactual

    Day Z Videos

  7. voodooactual

    Has Shoot-on-Sight Increased?

    Mate, I've been playing since there was 2 servers.. I quote the sniper from TF2 -
  8. voodooactual

    2 weeks of play, already geared?

    After 2 weeks? Took you long enough..
  9. 1) It's not so hard to pick up, even though I am an ArmA 2 vet, it only took like 1 week tops to learn the full millsim aspect of the game, DayZ is simplified in that sense. 2) I'd love to see you run full speed up a hill with gear for a prolonged period of time. 3) Waaaay too easy. Totally ruins the suprise aspect of attacks too. 4) It's meant to be semi-realistic in that sense - When it's dark, you can't just fast forward in real life, can you? 5) Well, this is a no brainer, it's not meant to be like so it's just a glitch. 6) No! I don't want to know who killed me, ruins the realism aspect of it. 7) You swim up to a coast on an island you've never been before - do you know EXACTLY where you are? 8) Not sure how viable due to the ArmA engine.
  10. voodooactual

    DayZ Memes

  11. voodooactual

    Banned from UK 25 for server hopping??

    Sorry, but as a clan member I feel the need to post this. Our members pay for the upkeep of this server, none of us pay for hackers and cheats to come on and ruin the game for the rest of us legit players. We all suspected serious foul play, and no, it's not because we're sore losers - I mean, look at my join date, I've had too many bullets in the back to even care about being killed now. But when a group manages to get tracked down across the map in the space of 30 minutes, especially with certain map hacks that are becoming available, it's very easily suspect. Don't come onto here, accusing the very people who host servers and work hard to keep it running smoothly, simply for YOU and the rest of the DayZ community to play on, and if you're going to attempt to ruin it for everyone else then something needs to be done, does it not? We all play games for fun here, and clearly Faz thinks your ruining it for everyone else, so you were dealt with as per our rules and the DayZ rules. Commit the Crime, You do the time, as the old saying goes.
  12. voodooactual

    Zed's more lifelike on three screens

    Shiiit son! what kind of GPU set up are you running, Expecting at least a dual GPU set up minimum.. Brilliant stuff
  13. .:The Bandit Survey:. .: So why have you chosen to walk the path of “darkness"(was it for the beans =p?) Fed up of being trodden on, now it's me with the upperhand because I've got the better weapons ;) .: Lets talk about tactics, what are yours? Sportful, I'll kill you outright, but I'll admit to your death so I can expect a bit of vengance coming my way .: Do you prefer to hunt alone or in a pack? Both, Alone is more secretive, but a pack has a lot more security for your gear and more loot capability, plus better firepower. .: Your preferred hunting ground(s)? Anywhere, but mainly northern provinces. .: What are your weapons of choice? M24, M4A3 CCO, DMR, I switch them up. .: Your greatest strength as a Bandit? Being a hidden marksmen .: Now how about a weakness of yours, come on everyone has one? Laziness, I'll quite often take a shortcut over open ground rather than take an extra 10 minutes going round the tree line. .:Lastly, how about telling us your greatest moment(s) as a Bandit of Chernarus? 3 Guys were walking across to a barn, One has a CZ, One has an Enfield, one has an AKM. I go prone, Snipe one, he drops, the other goes to drag his body, he drops. The sniper tries hiding behind a tree, and I just say "Give up mate, Hiding behind a tree won't do you no favours". He quickly submitted to me :P
  14. Hello mate! I'm from Burnley, Lancashire in the NW :P Hope I see you around sometime matey
  15. voodooactual

    Newbie review
