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Everything posted by Gortias

  1. Then it also helps for members to id hackers.. easyer to report them to admin in such like me
  2. Gortias

    I got banned from CA 20,24,25 for

    Ugh. This again, if you can get on the teamspeak we can reslove this.
  3. It happens. It's a weird glitch. Do you happen to have your GUID? I can un-ban you easily.
  4. This is so much better for our servers. It's easyer to Manage, control and just aboe all funner. Finnaly we can do what we want with our servers and nobody can tell us other wise.
  5. Well make sure you're not getting terrible high ping and it's not loaded with people. Because at times those can factor into low fps problems. Location of the server can also directly relate to it
  6. May have something to do with your internet or the server you've been playing on? Have you tryed diffrent servers?
  7. Gortias

    Sudan in DayZ?

    Should be about the same as any regular car or uaz
  8. Gortias

    Helicopter 404

    Well sometimes it can be diffrent with new servers. Try looking in places you wouldn't noramly think to look. Because there can be up to 3 helicoptes on the server just waitng for you. Keep searching!
  9. There is two barracks in the North West Airfield. One in the southern line of the trees to the south when you first approach the NWAF. Th second one is to the north along the line of the firehouse buildings. Look for a small building with an enterable door, once you come in there sould be a bathroom and a hallway leadeing to 4 more rooms! That's the barracks for you.
  10. Gortias

    Green Mountain radio transmissions

    Awww yeeaah! Can't wait!
  11. Gortias

    Green Mountain radio transmissions

    Maybe the transmissions could lead to random bunkers around the map where you can find stuff
  12. Gortias

    A Rapid Clotting Agent

    I agree, it sounds great
  13. As the saying goes "Don't trust anyone" DayZ you're more then likely to get shot, allllllll the time. You've gotta get over it and keep moving on even if it's crappy. Or it just makes your game play experince worse and makes you not want to play
  14. It's a private server, nothing can be done really. It's his server and he can ban people for anything..
  15. Just look around in mutliple places. New servers can have diffrent spawns up to 3 helicopters even! Just keep lookin, you'll find it
  16. Gortias

    Chernarus Snowy

    Sounds great, I like the idea of the Ghille blending with the enivorment.
  17. Gortias

    Remove Thermal Abilities From Weapons

    In my opinion the gun does give a bit of overpowerd advantage to see everyone with thermal. But on the contrary it's not that good of a weapon to shoot down range. In my experince it doesn't seem to hit things very well, even with zeroing down the target. Other then that it's just a Glorafied Thermal scope, but again that's my opinion.
  18. Gortias

    ***ers 2 Vids

    It's anoying yeah, but it's just somethig we're going to have to deal with till it's fixed. But also, be careful about taking items from those kinds of boxes, you can get banned at times for taking stuff out of them.
  19. Ladders? Or elaborate killing machines? Haha
  20. Gortias

    Mountain Dew Is Bad Luck

    You've gota go to Green Mountain and drink it there. That way you honor the can and don't die xD