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About NumberFive

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    QLD GMT+10
  • Interests
    Playing mostly dayz. finding rare things and making a camp somewhere

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    Fast Assault Team (F.A.T)
  1. NumberFive

    Dead guy in my bus? (Screenshot inside)

    he could of logged out/disconnected in the bus because someimes when u log in on the bus u can die...
  2. NumberFive

    wasteland 3 vs 1

    umm is that a server that your ment to have that skin on n thos cars everywhere if not there hacked in
  3. NumberFive

    New to Day Z and need friends

    hey ebo i added u on steam saids u havnt been on for 1 year...
  4. OK guys iv found a way to fix the problem when it saids you have not got a real copy of the when you do... You need to download one thing in order to fix it (Dayz commander) when this is downloaded and all up to date go to settings then look for steam options and click both boxes (Launch using steam and Replace original Arma2OA files with beta so steam works) i don't know this problem with out steam. so sorry to all people who have this problem and didn't buy the game though steam... if anyone has any questions just leave a comment and ill try to get back ASAP. Thank you all.
  5. NumberFive

    how to get geared up in an hour?

    well all i do is grab a hatchet (if possible) and then run to the closes military grounds (balota) and raid the military tents not really the hangers and i dont sneak in be i have a hatchet i pull any zombie that wishes 2 die. all u need to do is kill them while there walking in the tents
  6. it didnt work so if some1 could still please tell me whats wrong that would be great
  7. ok guys i try and join a server though dayz commander it saids im up to date with everything. so i try and join a server and it pops up saying im missing m1014 and then hwen the game opens up it saids im missing this m4a1-aim-camo. and then saids bad connection. so i try joining though the arma2 window it opened up and then it saids that theres something wrong with my game key and that i havnt got a real 1 or something but i have payed for the game on steam? edit: i might of found out the problem i opened up my steam and checked to make sure all is updated it was then 1.5gb was deleted from normal arma 2 so im upadting that to so if it does anything
  8. ok i have dayz commander and iv launched with it b4 and all that and it saids dayz is up 2 day and my arma is 2 but when i go to join a server it saids im missing 2 guns and then saids bad version... so then i try 2 join again and join though the arma it opened and then saids that its a bad key version when i have payed for this game on steam please help?
  9. arma2 and arma 2 arrowhead im pritty sure
  10. NumberFive

    The curse of the Dew

    it is a curse i was driving a quad and going on 2 wheels like they always do and userly flip and this was for almost the hole day and then i found a dew i was a like sweet start driving 5 mins later on flat ground my quad launches does around 4 flips then lands i was like is it going 2 make it and then it start tilting i was like yes yes yes it lands then BANG it blows up even though after the flip it was all still on green it sucked i only just survied the explosion with 4k blood so i can my friend to come and give me a blood pack it was sweet and all afterthat then i was riding a pushy and then it started riding on its front wheel was going werid so i was like i better stop so i dont die and i get off it and then break a leg so i fix my self up and then keep going and i needed more room for some other stuff so i drop the dew and then nothing werid or glitchy happen from there on....
  11. NumberFive

    Your First Betrayal

    I have not betrayed someone but i have. Me and my friend were running though a major city looting n all that so then he comes across a gun and said omg can i have this and the next gun we find is your i said fine and walked on then the next building had a m14 with 4 mags so i take it. then we were running though town again on our way out then we starts spraying his gun around he just got. there were like 50 zombies behind us and this was back when u could not loose them and not what so he was like yea we cant both make it out of this alive so he shoots me and makes me break my legs and he keeps going as all the zombies rip all my body parts off.
  12. NumberFive

    Reddit - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    i have some questions. when you are making your person do u get to choose what size he is as in weight, height and what kind of nose he has all that because that would be fun also do u get to choose what kind of clothes you start with or at least the the color because sometimes u look at your buddy he has a black shirt on then the next minute he has a white one on and scares that crap out of u. Also is there and thoughts of putting radios or walkie talkies in? and is there going to be class clothes such as a medics out fit or swat ones that give u more benifits like less bullet damage and that kind of stuff? (i hope there is not) also is there going to be pocket knifes. and are u able to just walk up 2 the lake and then drink out of it because i know in real life i can :D and with the spawns is there going to be something like what we have in dayz now as in every time u spawn is at the coast? and is there going to be away to pray at the churches because that would be a cool feature and one last thing is there any word of being a animation of when u kill your self and have a pistal or any type of gun that u pull it out and put a bullet in your head
  13. NumberFive

    recording program help

    dw i dont attack people who are not a big trouble say if there was a guy with a auto rifle coming 2wards me i and there was no way around him i would take then shot but thats only because there was no other way around
  14. NumberFive

    looking for one more player

    daowner we are 15,25,and 18 if we keep the sniper in the group :)
  15. also u should use dayz commander its alot better then runnning normal