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Odrama Vin Laden

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About Odrama Vin Laden

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Pittsburgh, Pa
  1. Odrama Vin Laden

    Suicide in DayZ and why it's important

    You're wrong, they aren't scared of you, they are scared of the 10 minute lockout they would get for playing right. A gun fight would never end with one killing another anymore, everyone would just suicide. There is NO realism in that.
  2. Odrama Vin Laden

    Hip Fire Too Good on Snipers

    (I don't know how to show an image in the post so here is the link)http://www.google.co...X-t8PmyxzFeCMM: You are so very wrong. A 7.62x51 round has a lot of recoil. It is similar to an ak 47 round, but with a higher load. So you mean to tell me an ak 47 is similar to a .22 then?
  3. Odrama Vin Laden

    What populates a DayZ server?

    You know, I get what your trying to say, you should feel like you lost alot when your car gets stolen. But the way this is instilled now is totally unrealistic. Sure, batteries would be dead, and flat tires, but thats not anything that cant be easily fixed. The way it is now is there are pretty much no cars around unless you were there when the server was new. They are too rare, and should periodically respawn. Its stupid to think that all the cars are lying in rubble because the world is enduring the zombie apocalypse. The way it stands right now, if you find a car, its pretty easy to keep it forever as long as no one steals it and you dont drive like an idiot. There is no gradual 'wear n tear' and fuel is an unlimited resource from petrol pumps that dont even have electricity supplied to them. Gas should be like gold. The idea is right, but it's executed poorly.
  4. Odrama Vin Laden

    What populates a DayZ server?

    I hate it when people say they don't want a server with a lot of vehicles. I understand the helicopter side, and the no starter weapon thing, but how in any case is having only a few vehicles per map authentic? Did the zombies blow up all the vehicles? I don't think so. Cars trucks etc should be plentiful but fuel should be rare. Gas pumps would not be working anymore. Fuel should be the reason that no one drives around not just an outright lack of cars.
  5. Odrama Vin Laden

    troubles with my Arma 2 OA

    So you admittedly tried to hack? I hope your key gets stolen and resold.
  6. Odrama Vin Laden

    Lag During Zoom/Scope (Can you reduce it?)

    it could be. maybe try bumping it up a bit and see what happens? I know the sensitivity is definitely meant to slow down a bit in scope/sight to simulate aiming the gun. Experiment is all I can say. Not sure why else it would run ok anytime other than scoped, I actually get a better framerate while ADS
  7. Odrama Vin Laden

    Lag During Zoom/Scope (Can you reduce it?)

    Thats weird then. And by the way I wasn't trying to be rude when I suggested that. I had similar problems before and kind of stumbled on to the smoothing thing and it helped me out. I was genuinely just trying to help. Is it frame lag? or just almost seems like your sensitivity is lower?
  8. Odrama Vin Laden

    Lag During Zoom/Scope (Can you reduce it?)

    GO to control options and turn smoothing all the way down.
  9. Odrama Vin Laden

    My criticisms of DayZ mod/Standalone

    .Ok, let me apologize ahead of time for tearing apart your post, and I understand this is just your opinion, but you should at least get your facts right before you write a book on it. 1. It is no longer the "ArmA 2.5" engine. If you have been following development, you would know that they are now using a completely rewritten engine utilizing client-server architecture, similar to that which is used in many MMOs to handle gamelplay. 2. Refer to #1. This new architecture means, that the majority of game code will be handled server side. You will input to the server and the server is technically controlling you. You will not be able to run unintended scripts(which is how ***ers do their thing now) because the server will be running all the scripts, we just tell it what to do. 3. www.dayzgame.com Again, sorry. Not a personal attack, but you did ask for people to correct anything you had wrong. Hope this gets you as AMPED for this game as I am.
  10. Odrama Vin Laden

    Limited Capacity Testing has begun.

    If anyone hears of a streamer, please post here. I'm dying to see this
  11. Odrama Vin Laden

    DayZ: Most Private Hives Are Not Real DayZ

    @Zionist Wabbit Say DayZ(ed) one more time please. I dont think we got it. You wouldnt spell it "DayZed". That is a way of pronouncing the letter Z in some parts of the world. You make yourself sound stupid by writing it out. You dont see me writing DayZ(ee) do you? Lol sorry about the flame but reading through that post repeating it multiple times got under my skin.
  12. Odrama Vin Laden


    Everyone jumped on him (no pun intended), but in a way hes right. If we were limited to say 2-3 good jumps and then our "stamina bar" would be depleted, perhaps it would casue you to run slower or something like that. If jumping was enabled for reasonable situations but had deterrents for abuse I dont see what the problem would be. There have been so many times in arma and dayz where I thought, "hmm, If i could only jump a foot off the ground to get over/on this object it would save me a ton of trouble' Its unrealistic to say that we shouldnt be able to jump.
  13. Odrama Vin Laden

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    Ok, I agree bad analogy. But my point is across the same. Doesn't in the least make sense to me why anyone would assume they would get any paid game free regardless of what you bought before.
  14. Odrama Vin Laden

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    Soxter, Can I ask you something? The last time you bought a Call of Duty game, Did you get battlefield for free? Nope. Same rule applies here. Two Different Games, Are sold seperately.