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Edward b

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Everything posted by Edward b

  1. Edward b

    Why do you like being a bandit?

    My survival is more important to me than your survival. If I reveal myself, then I will jeopardize my life- so I will not kill you if you are just walking around. That being said, you can expect no mercy from me if you interfere. If you enter a building that I am in, I will fire. If I happen upon you in a building, I will fire. If I see you stopped in front of me with a gun, I will fire. I gave you chances by not seeking confrontation. I take your life when it is unavoidable.
  2. I'm going to call bs on your story. Parts of it seem true, but then it gets a bit strange after you grab the weapons.
  3. Edward b

    Shoot all un-armed bandits on sight.

    No, you're a dick for messing with him. Replace bandit with new player, and you'll still be a dick. Remove the identity from the person. You'll still be a dick. If I had witnessed the whole scene, then I would've shot you and let the bandit get your stuff.
  4. Oh good. You're ripping off of The Dark Knight.
  5. A day in the life of a moron: >Criticize a good suggestion >Get destroyed by reasoning >Cry
  6. Edward b

    bandits are bad

    Aren't you the same guy in the regular discussion forum who was crying when he gets killed and the killer doesn't say who they are?
  7. Edward b

    How can i know who killed me?

    Problem: People don't tell you who they are when they kill you Solution: Stop getting killed
  8. Everyone who thinks they'll find these high end weapons at a military base should call and ask them...although I'm not sure if the phone line can handle that much laughter.
  9. I support realism, not removing them outright. There's no reason there should be an anti-materiel rifle in the game, and if there is going to be one, there needs to be either: 1. Tanks to make the rifles useful 2. Nerf the rifles to make them realistic (or balanced.)
  10. Edward b

    Combat log.

    Dude this is such a redundant pointless useless retarded creative thread. I can't believe nobody thought of this before now!
  11. You are a fucking bad ass. I dont' care if this is true or not; it's fucking epic.
  12. If you feel guilty about this then you need to play a different game.
  13. The difficulty is perfect, and yet you're all in favor of munching on a steak and having full blood in a manner of several minutes instead of several hours? You, sir, are in favor of dumbing down the difficulty.
  14. It's funny how people think that the regeneration of blood is unrealistic. If it's unrealistic, then why haven't they died from any papercuts?
  15. Edward b

    Band of Brothers

    Yep. OP is new to the internet. Nothing to see here.
  16. Edward b

    Bad Advice.

    #1 This was conceptualized to get people to shut the hell up on the forums. We can only take so much bitching. The point is to accept that, at any given time, you may lose everything you've worked hard to get. However, the point is not that you should take unnecessary risks. The goal of the game is to survive; it isn't to hold onto your gear for as long as possible. It just so happens that survival is usually associated with keeping your gear. #2 Most large groups' goals are to kill. You can expect that they'd to things like that- after all, a large group is likely to kill more efficiently. Smaller groups, however, are more designed to survive. #3 This goes hand in hand with #1, but the point isn't to kill everyone. The point of this advice is to kill any and all threats that present themselves. I don't actively hunt players, nor do I kill them on sight. But what if I feel as if they will threaten my survival? Well, that's the point where I start shooting. Bandit skins in major cities are obvious threats. Anyone running towards me is a threat. A noob with a hatchet running away from me into the nearest building is not a threat. The point here is to kill if you are worried about your survival. My philosophy is that my survival is more important to me than your survival. I won't hunt you, but I will shoot you in the skull if you make me sweat.
  17. Edward b

    globally banned by just opening youtube

    I have the odd feeling that you knew exactly what that video was.
  18. Edward b

    War Declared?

    It would be bad ass to be the guy taking pot shots with a Lee Enfield, killing people when one side got too strong :)
  19. Edward b

    To the jerk who killed me

    Nut up or shut up.
  20. Edward b

    Close range aiming is screwed up.

    CQB aiming is fucked beyond belief unless you turn your sensitivity all the way down...but then you're fucked if something comes up behind you. It's a no-win situation.
  21. Edward b

    Bandit Diaires CANCELLED

    I'm calling bull shit on your story. I think you exaggerated a bit too much, OP.
  22. I wouldn't say that I'm kill on sight. My philosophy is simple: my survival is more important to me than your (or anyone else's) survival. This simply means that I am only looking out to live as long as I can- nothing else. I will not seek out kills, nor will I kill anyone I see. However, if I feel as though someone may jepordize my survival, I will put a bullet through them and not think twice. The only exception to this rule would be heroes, which are often medics. I won't stalk my prey for loot, but that doesn't mean I won't roll a grenade through a doorway either. Just like Call of Duty 4, I'll just lie down and let them all pass :) However, if I get uncomfortable, I will end their life.
  23. My application is now pending (Aetius) :)
  24. Edward b

    Hiding bodies a Dick move?

    Quit bitching. Dead bodies are noticable and I don't want to be noticed...there's a reason I steer clear of towns if I see any of them.
  25. No. When using a rifle, you do not have to account for the rotation of the Earth; the Earth doesn't spin fast enough for distances of 1-2 miles to matter. ICBMs, on the other hand, do require it. However, I doubt that anyone will implement nuclear weapons into a zombie video game.