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BlackJesus (DayZ)

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Posts posted by BlackJesus (DayZ)

  1. All right so I've been playing since early-mid may, and I've never seen nvgs, never seen another player who had them. I've gotten an m4sd once, then lost it 2 seconds after because I logged out too quick. Never seen a satchel charge. I've had the coyote backpack twice and seen it twice on another player. I've only seen ghillies on dead bodies. HOW DO YOU FIND THIS STUFF IN 6 DAYS IT MAKES ME MAD.

    Edit: the closest I've gotten to nvgs is finding a heli crash and finding out from some guy in sidechat that he looted nvgs from there about 5 minutes before me.

    ive been playing 2 months have yet to find a fricken coyote backpack i find ghillies all the time ive found atleast 6-7 never found as50 la85 m4sd nvg satchel charge ive only found m4a3cco dmr gps

  2. OK not a scam we will designate a server after you pm me im currently at the deer stands in belato and bleeding out w/o a bandage i will give you a ghillie if you come and bandage me and blood pack me you must have mumble as this is how we will communicate pst

    i have the bloodpack on me
