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BlackJesus (DayZ)

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About BlackJesus (DayZ)

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  1. it isnt i promise... i really need this bandage im at 4k blood...
  2. what you mean i have spare ghillie suits on me which i will be giving 1 away to whoever will help me
  3. naww i play american servers but would accept your help and hte ghillie suit can be all yours
  4. send me a pm and dont log off the forums jesus ive had 4 people do that ill give you my mumble and the server after you pm me you MUST HAVE MUMBLE
  5. BlackJesus (DayZ)

    belota deer stands need help pm me

    iim logged out i was waiting to decide on a server with the person who gonna help me
  6. BlackJesus (DayZ)

    belota deer stands need help pm me

    well damn
  7. i need a bandage im bleeding out i have the bloodbag i need your bandage i will give you a ghillie suit please pm me
  8. BlackJesus (DayZ)

    Giving ghillie to whom will help

    bump i ned help plz
  9. BlackJesus (DayZ)

    Giving ghillie to whom will help

    still needing help
  10. BlackJesus (DayZ)

    Bandits looking for 2 more

    ill join give m your teamspeak
  11. BlackJesus (DayZ)

    To the guy who killed me.

    ive been playing 2 months have yet to find a fricken coyote backpack i find ghillies all the time ive found atleast 6-7 never found as50 la85 m4sd nvg satchel charge ive only found m4a3cco dmr gps
  12. OK not a scam we will designate a server after you pm me im currently at the deer stands in belato and bleeding out w/o a bandage i will give you a ghillie if you come and bandage me and blood pack me you must have mumble as this is how we will communicate pst i have the bloodpack on me