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About dworlley66@live.com

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    On the Coast

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  1. dworlley66@live.com

    Any 40 somethings play this game?

    I'm old enough to remember those Atari consoles from the 80's....45 years old and been playing video games for 30 of em.
  2. dworlley66@live.com

    I'm.. I'm.. I'm a horrible person!!! *sobs*

    Twit, Twat, Tool..... You bring so many four letter words to mind.
  3. dworlley66@live.com

    Reward point system for killing

    I think Bandits should experience mind bending, pants wetting nightmare scenes when they need them least. Kind of like your subconsious pulling you into line, and a bit of payback for needless murders, maybe a disincentive for doing so. After all being a bandit is the easy option, you just shoot on sight. Surviving requires Quick decisions and deserves the reward if any.
  4. dworlley66@live.com

    Players 30+ years old

    It will be a great day when we the mature and morally righteous, teach some manners to the prepubescent socipathic murderers who will regularly waste your defenceless unarmed self, and not even take a bandage from you to cover cuts they caused themselves while practising to shave their bumfluff moustaches with dads razor ! .Well thats what Gran would have said if she played Dayz :beans: