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About chardwreck

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Unfortunately it seems that the server admins have taken it upon themselves to set their own rules since it appears that Rocket and others aren't dinging the server admins for not following the UA. Not much you can do at this point. Oh and thesidetalker. The rules are the rules. And they are for everyone. You can get pissed all you want but if you don't like the rules then petition Rocket to change them or go private. If Rocket does change the rules on looting hacked gear then I'd be more than happy that I can change my sig.
  2. chardwreck

    Banned on US 843

    Probably not but post it anyways.
  3. Not against the rules to loot hacked in weapons.
  4. chardwreck

    Banned drom us 843

    Date/Time and Ingame name?
  5. chardwreck

    Admin abuse by BEDYR on US 2804

    And he plays the last card in his hand.
  6. chardwreck

    US 843 Hacked in camp. HUGE.

    Actually Rogue my signature is an effort to get Rocket to actually do something about it by purging the player database like they should have been doing from the start. But think whatever you want.
  7. chardwreck

    US 843 CIA hacked weps

    Hacked in weapons are on every public server out there. Having a hacked weapon isn't against the rules according to Rocket. But scripting them in is a no no. We have banned 30+ players for hacking in the last 2 days on US 843 (honey pots are still surprisingly effective). If you find a hacked weapon on the server it likely came from another server initially. Not to say we don't get our share of hackers but what server doesn't. But like I said. Having a hacked weapon isn't against the rules. It's the scripting that gets you in trouble.
  8. chardwreck

    Found a AS50 TWS scope off a hacker

    Incorrect. It is not against the rules to use any weapon you have looted either from a corpse, tent or vehicle. If a server admin bans you just for having one then you have perfectly legitimate grounds to petition it and the server runs the risk of getting black listed.
  9. chardwreck

    US 843 Hacked in camp. HUGE.

    Yeah because doing a Google search for Bosegelucke doesn't return a damn thing. Especially not ***.net on the first hit. LTG
  10. chardwreck

    Legit weapon or not?

    You can use any weapon you find in a tent, spawn, vehicle etc...It's only against the rules if you script/hack it in yourself. If you need reassurance feel free to read the thread in my sig.
  11. Apparently the big issue right now is with DayZ Navigator. They can see the location of every player, tent and vehicle on the map in nearly real time and it apparently isn't detected by BattleEye. At this rate I'm about done with public hives.
  12. chardwreck

    US 843 Hacked in camp. HUGE.

    The funny part is Fatal was probably happy with just banning you from the server. Way to earn that Global there.
  13. chardwreck

    US 843 Hacked in camp. HUGE.

    I love the hacker butt hurt in the game. Hack, get caught, post camp locations in retaliation.
  14. chardwreck

    Banned from CA1

    wow. No wonder this guy got banned from the public hive.
  15. chardwreck

    US 2828 banned 3 players for hacked items
