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Dingle (DayZ)

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About Dingle (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Background. I took a break from dayz about 6 days ago to play GTA. Started back up today, and i get this error about every 30 mintues. Any help would be lovely [screenshot of error](http://i.imgur.com/OEnxaJ1.png) Things I have tried. * reinstalling * verifying game cache integrity or whatever * Deleting my launch parameters * checked to see if my drivers are updated Thanks for any help you can provide. I have determined that it is happening every 20 Minutes on the dot. I ran Memtest for 1 hour, 17/17 passes
  2. A hacker spawned me into what looks like a building with broken legs, passed out, and in shock. I aborted and now I cannot load any server... Frustrating please help.