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About mbricochet

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  1. mbricochet

    What is the best sidearm to you?

    Ideally M9SD, as nearly every time I find my self using a pistol it's very close and every bit of a "shush" matters to me. In a practical sense, I'd say anything that I can find ammo for.. the G17 has decent sights, big mags, and a built in light. The ammo is much more common than the SD, whats the point of a gun that you can't shoot? Plus, as said before, the g17 isn't to loud. In a perfect world where ammo isn't a issue. SD. In a privileged world the G17 is a solid sidearm. In the real world?...Anything I can feed ammo and kill with. Beggars can't be choosers.
  2. mbricochet

    Fast vs Slow Zombies

    Zombies need some serious work. Perhaps reducing their speed by 20%, increasing their health considerably, and making them more responsive to sound would provide a capable balance of threat and play-ability. Also in order to combat a nerf in their individual threat by reducing their speed; the zombies should respond much more aggressively to weapon fire and the sounds of other zombies on the attack. Not to mention random gunfire; such as PVP. Having zombies tougher zombies respond more aggressively to fighting also makes PVP more of a challenge. Bandits would be less tempted to just brazenly kill. A major issue is that zombies despawn if the player they are chasing "quits" which is a very common tactic apparently. Two players move into a town, and one player runs through the town gathering all the zombies. Then runs for the hills. The second player moves into town, and the second player quits out, purging all the chasing zombies. Then reconnects and they loot the town. Zombies should not despawn in such an event. How ever I am unsure on how it would be workable with out overloading the zombie population... The current issue is that they are simply to spastic. It kills immersion. They must move steadily and be consistent. Either they must be optimized to function at their current speed, or their speed must be reduced and other measures taken to keep them threatening.
  3. mbricochet

    Wildies vs Coasties. Which are you?

    I like hitting deer stands. I got a map and mark em when I find em. Live off those things. Stalk..creep...lurk...low...slow..rifle cocked, and ready to go.
  4. mbricochet

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    This game is PVE first, PVP second, and PVZ last. At this point zombies just feel like obnoxious pests. They are spastic, irritating, and unsatisfying to deal with. I am not really sure how to balance them better other then smoothing out their pathing and movement. Zombies seem almost pathetic. It's the other players that turn me into a paranoid loon. This is some of the most edgy and terrifying gameplay I have seen in an online shooter. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun online. It's just. Amazing. Even the most veteran player can be laid out by a single well placed bullet from a startled noob. It's just nerve wracking goodness.
  5. mbricochet

    WTF a jet ?

    Makes you weary of picking up guns off dead people eh? "Oh sweet! M16 with ACOG+M203!! I'M THE LUCKIEST PERSON ALIVE! *equip* 'YOU'VE BEEN BANNED FROM THE SERVER' NOOOOO!"
  6. mbricochet

    Where do you get anti-biotics?

    One of our guys is sick.. We are making him stay 50 feet away from us.. We find food, bring it near him, drop it..and then let him pick it up when we get away. Damn leapers..
  7. mbricochet

    Quit quit quit...

    Perhaps a hybrid system? 10 seconds to "abort" If you alt F4 or "DC" then it's 15 minute penalty.
  8. #1 Nothing to lose. Maverick players on the coast with everything to gain. They kill for gain. #2 Well off and inland. Equipped players. They can survive easily with what they got. If they choose. They kill out of uncertainty. "Friendly bro?" #3 Everything to lose. Greedy loot driven players. The denizens of the north. They had all they really needed, but wanted more. GPS, Assault rifles, and countless toys. They are geardos. They kill out of FEAR. They can't afford not to. #4 Bandits. Thieving Murdering Parasites. :cool: Theme Music only. Gotta get into the mood.
  9. It's an exploit. The game is in Alpha. The exploits will hopefully get stomped out soon..but it's alpha. All are toons are going to die sooner or later. Given the time it takes to get all that crazy gear, and luck it takes, I don't blame people exploiting. I don't condone exploiting because it's not fair play, but given the brutality of the game I can't blame them at all for doing it.
  10. mbricochet

    Quit quit quit...

    I do not like the idea of being penalized and being unable to rejoin a server. Switching to play with friends? Here's and Idea. You must SIT DOWN before being able to quit. Instead of just vanishing like a ghost. Or if you DC you character just sits and logs off. No timer. Just a quick animation. Of course... how does that stop some one from just alt F4 or whatever. Not something that is easily balanced with out potentially screwing players over.
  11. Update: FARTS have chance to cause blood loss. The higher the severity of the FART the high the probability of blood loss. Maximum loss for event: 1000 Blood. Minimum: 10
  12. I am awaiting the FART feature. So many players eating so much of the magical fruit. One can only reasonably expect random acts of flatulence to be expected. Though you should be able to temporarily suppress the function by "clenching" You start at 0 flatulence, and at 100 your toon shall toot. Clenching stalls the upward count to blast off, but has a diminishing turn of effectiveness. Also clenching acts as a multiplier to the severity of the flatulence. A fully "maxed out" FART should be able to attract zombies out to 30 feet, and be loud enough to alert near by players. An un-clenched fart should have a chance to be completely silent; though should retain a 10 foot aggro radius for zombies. As they should be able to smell you out quite easily.
  13. mbricochet

    IF this was an actual game...

    One time purchase. Or F2P but you can by skins/misc items.