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About AlexanderMarksman

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    colin roberts

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  1. AlexanderMarksman

    Eating Crow

    Well i'm known as crow and eating crow sounds like something a raging 13 year old would say to rage on the person with that name. Also don't be hatting on a bandit just because you made a topic that had nothing to do with what it was about, helpful note ur posting in bandit campfire expect BANDITS!
  2. AlexanderMarksman

    Eating Crow

    Ok thanx for clearing that up thought i was getting called out and needed to show someone what a real bandit is ;) Next time tho dont use my name lol.
  3. AlexanderMarksman

    Eating Crow

    I have no idea if it was me but could be i mean im known as Crow on a few servers and address myself as such after a kill, maybe he is giving some rage against me as a lone wolf. All i know is if he got a .308 round in the head or fell for one of my hey i will help u tricks then most likely it was me.
  4. AlexanderMarksman

    Eating Crow

    Hmm ur title oddly attracts me, could the crow your referencing be me the celtic crow in game? This hole take over a server thing and kill all the regulars sounds like something i would do lol.
  5. AlexanderMarksman

    Lone Wolf Looking to be not so Alone.

    Ummm... i wasnt really looking for a clan just a partner
  6. Hello all, my bandit brothers partners in crime and fellow murders. I have been running as a lone wolf for a while now solo hunting and surviving, i am looking for someone to run around and hunt with currently i am the leader of a clan but seems most members have been inactive or in the hospital poor Thigo hope u get better mate! Anyways i enjoy night time walks along electro and watching people bleed as i laugh and shoot them with an M24. About me: I'm active Bandit Psychopathic Enjoy killing and watching people bleed (NOTE: top part is a joke) Anyways all joking aside i need someone who knows what there doing and willing to work with me and also take good orders i like to have fun but i also need someone that can get down to business, currently i control one sever, in other words no one will mess with me or my friends because they will get shoot in the head or in the knee while i watch zombies eat them. I am also working to obtain supremacy on another server as well. I am willing to help you out get u gear cover ur ass. My abilities are great as a sniper i have been playing dayz for about a year now and working on my marksman skills longer than that. I know how to count mill dots and know the formulas to successfully get a distance on a target i can work as over watch. Please contact me on my skype colinkill9 if ur interested in a partner, let us make sweet sweet bloody killing together?
  7. AlexanderMarksman

    Abusive admin sat down

    HAHA... if i had a dollar every time this happened i would be rich, i know how u feel i have had the same thing happen to me on multiple servers. When my clan finds a server we move in and by move in we take and kill to get what we want, often making road side ambushes screwing over too friendly players and watch the admins rage as they see there server losing player numbers because we are killing and hunting him and his friends. It happens way to often but when it does us bandits take great pride in making others rage to this point. I salute u sir and your friends welcome to the club.
  8. AlexanderMarksman

    What is the difference between a bandit and a coward?

    I recently had an incident like this, i usually never kill fresh spawns, unless they are trolling talking shit to me or something like that. There was one incident however im not sure what this would be considered, a fresh spawn had found a car well of course i wanted the car. He then decide to drive it to electro where i was set up in ambush with an AK-74. I then of course shoot the guy out of it sweet new car, i then took the car and went on my way, idk if this would be considered a coward move or more of a bandit move to me its more of a bandit move, because bandit are bandit because they kill people for what they have and i wanted the car because i dint have one. :/
  9. AlexanderMarksman

    How do you control your DayZ Rage?

    I meditate so when i die i never really rage i just go meh whatever have fun, also watch your back cuz your in a sever with my clan of 5 guys and we will hunt u down like a dog. Usally if i die i just take a few mintue break watch netflix get a snake maybe get another cup of coffee or chat on skype with the Girlfriend but usally never really a big deal i kinda like the feeling you get when you have to start all over its like a breath of fresh air.
  10. AlexanderMarksman

    Brothers of Liberation Kill logs

    well i just thought my team would want to know who had more kills because if u payed a attention i said whoever had the most got a prize i could care less what u think why was it so important for u to troll it anyways if u difn't care why comment ur logic makes no sense.
  11. Hello! this here is for my Clan to see the kills everyone is making and also see where they are stacked up against each other, also if u were killed this could be a great way to find your killer so if you see your name and want to talk smack go ahead or better if you want to talk about how good a kill you were go ahead. This will be updated every week and every moth whoever has the most kills will win a little something. Reaper total kills:6 Date:10/5/12,10/7/12 kills: Mitchell, Officer Dom, Unknown Distance: 300+ meters, 500 meters Wepon used: AKM, M24, AU 46 Server: Private Hive AU46 Alexander Total 11 Date:10/7/12 kills: all unknown,unknow, Persona Distance: multiple Wepon used: DMR,FN-FAL Server: Russian Crow Toatal 12 killed:adam,Unknow, Adam, Friend, Kathy, Luck Date:10/8/12, 10/6/12,10/9/12,10/11/12,10/12/12 wepon:DMR, lee enfeild, DMR, DMR Distances:250,25,100,400,450
  12. Hello! You can all call me Crow anyways im the leader of BoL. Were a bandit Clan and this topic here is for Clan stories and advice or help. 10/10/12 Server: US 62 Lingor status:We are Banned Don't you just love those good ole coop server's with nothing but, scare bears? Well i got a story for you all. It's what I call the bait and set up. For this incident we had 2 GAZ's and 3 people Me, Reaper, and Alex. Well then we started to ask around if anyone needed a ride and to tell you the truth we wern't really going to hurt anyone but, then were bandits so we said forget it lets get this idiot. Well a guy that had Garbage in his name (Makes a lot of sence already lol) decided to take us up on the offer. So we made a plan for reaper to take his AS50 and to black the road with his car and me and Alex would go pick him up. So we drove down the road a bit and when we were about 200meters from his location Reaper set up shop and found a nice hill about 400meters away from the road. So then me and alex drove down to pick him up, we ended up getting him and telling him we found a car on our way that he could use and we would take him to it. Well of course he said ok, we drove up the road and there was reaper's GAZ in the road we stopped a little ways and told him to get out with us so we could check it out. So the guy played right in out trap as he ran out i gave reaper the clear and he shoot hit the guy in the neck he was bleeding out like a pig. We took his gear laughed at his rage in side chat turned out he thought me and Alex shoot him somehow to him an AS50 sounds like an FN-FAL, he had a g17 food ammo and usful supplies also a DMR so it was an ok kill for the books.
  13. Hello! You can all call me Crow anyways im the leader of BoL. Were a bandit Clan and this topic here is for Clan stories and advice or help. 10/10/12 Server: US 62 Lingor status:We are Banned Don't you just love those good ole coop server's with nothing but, scare bears? Well i got a story for you all. It's what I call the bait and set up. For this incident we had 2 GAZ's and 3 people Me, Reaper, and Alex. Well then we started to ask around if anyone needed a ride and to tell you the truth we wern't really going to hurt anyone but, then were bandits so we said forget it lets get this idiot. Well a guy that had Garbage in his name (Makes a lot of sence already lol) decided to take us up on the offer. So we made a plan for reaper to take his AS50 and to black the road with his car and me and Alex would go pick him up. So we drove down the road a bit and when we were about 200meters from his location Reaper set up shop and found a nice hill about 400meters away from the road. So then me and alex drove down to pick him up, we ended up getting him and telling him we found a car on our way that he could use and we would take him to it. Well of course he said ok, we drove up the road and there was reaper's GAZ in the road we stopped a little ways and told him to get out with us so we could check it out. So the guy played right in out trap as he ran out i gave reaper the clear and he shoot hit the guy in the neck he was bleeding out like a pig. We took his gear laughed at his rage in side chat turned out he thought me and Alex shoot him somehow to him an AS50 sounds like an FN-FAL, he had a g17 food ammo and usful supplies also a DMR so it was an ok kill for the books.
  14. AlexanderMarksman

    Admin not liking bandits

    Sever Name: US 62 Lingor timezone:North American Eastern Time Zone Date:10/11/12 Server Admins:Butter up Blind Guy and ECS clan/group What happened: Well me and my friends got on the server to play a little lingor, well were bandits so what. We did what we always did ad a few elaborate rode side killing using car barricades.Well the admin wasn't happy because we were killing people so, he got all his other admin friends to help and threaten and killed my group of friends then kicked us from the server, because we were bandits. Now im pretty sure thats against sever regulations to ban someone for being a bandit. Not that i have an issue if they tried to hunt us down i mean bring it o then lets see who has the guts and guns. Evidence: My two friends are banned from the server and we had some very colorful langue to say the least and us getting randomly killed http://youtu.be/zB3y9KFUZEE link to video sorry i couldn't upload file was too large, in this it shows admin banning one of my boys. If anyone wants to reach me please email me at colin.roberts@dpcrstudent.org
  15. Hello my name is colin(codename Crow) I am looking for a partner and spotter i am 16 as well. My contact info is Phone 8598037765 please call or txt skype colin roberts. Also look on my post about the sniper spotter team