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ShokeR (DayZ)

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Everything posted by ShokeR (DayZ)

  1. ShokeR (DayZ)

    is dayz 100% PvP on the long term?

    Survival isn't just about the zombies. It's all about to survive from bandits and zombies. Yes , sure you can live in the woods and survive as long as you like, but it's really boring. If you get bored playing this game , just find yourself a role (survivor, bandit, sniper, medic, mechanic ,etc).
  2. ShokeR (DayZ)

    FPS issues

    If you haven't tried to fix your FPS , there are alot of guides about it. I raised my FPS from 15- 30 to 45 -60.
  3. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Tents disappear on server restart

    IT happend to me too. I didn't understand why it's hapenning, untill i read the bug list ... lost 3 tents full with gear i spent much time to collect all the gear and it's just gone.. They really should fix that, the only way to save gear now is vehicles.
  4. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Is this smart?

    Arma 2 have shitty engine, just look for some guides to improve your FPS if you run the game with low FPS (even with the new PC)
  5. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Suggestion - Coming back as zombie (please read)

    I don't really think dayz have story, maybe the virus work only on dead people? who knows.
  6. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Axe Murderer!

    Chainsaw Man, haha
  7. ShokeR (DayZ)


    Hey, im looking for a small group or even just someone who want to group up. About me: GMT +2 live in israel Playing dayz for 2-3 months. 17 years old. Don't have mic at the moment , but i can connect to skype/ ts and all that. I won't say anything yet about my gear or location. Play style - do anything to survive (besides to kill your own teammate lol). post or send me a PM . ps. my english is not the best.
  8. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Team Mate

    I'm not from UK, but i can join UK servers on low ping , if you want to play send me a PM
  9. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Anybody Else Noticing This?

    I have backpack full with morphines just incase.
  10. When you sneak into your own house.
  11. Hey. First of all sorry for my bad english. Dayz isn't a perfect game , it need a lot of improvements. So I want to ask you, what do you think is the problem of Dayz? We all know the game is kinda wierd right now, I mean this game just become a bandit game. Everyone must play like a bandit or you won't survive, even if you don't want to play as a bandit , you don't have another choice. If you see someone face to face you have to shoot him or you die, you can't trust nobody , even if they said they are friendly (most of them are not). So what i am saying is the big problem of Dayz is that the game pushes you to PVP and less of survival.( Zombies? no problem i just can run untill they gone, or shoot them). People can't choose Survival or PVP or both, they like must choose PVP (unless you play with friends in closed private hive). This is ofc my opinon . What do you think is the problem of Dayz ( if there is a problem).
  12. The spawning chances of weapons and ammo will be the same?
  13. ShokeR (DayZ)

    What is the problem of Dayz?

    I understand what you are saying, but again when I say bandit game I meant there are too many bandits! When I say bandits, I mean those people who run with AS50 Ghilio suit ranger finder and more advanced gear , and with that gear they go hunt people in cherno and elktro for fun , they don't care about dying becasue they have more gears in thier tents. Don't you understand what I am saying? It's too easy to get gear in this game, after you played this game long enough you will understand that. I rembeber my first days of playing dayz , trying to search for a weapon in small towns near , died everytime to a zombie , etc. After some months of gameplay i learned how to survive, and started a small "base" with tents and started to gear up. I met more friends and we shared our stuff and everything, at the end we had so much weapons and stuff we didn't care about dying. The game starts to get boring for a bit all we did was to fix helicopter (and get crashed after 5 mins lol) and find cars. So , I'm saying It's too easy to get gear, all you need is to rush through some citys and the airfield on diffrent server. And this is becasue the zombies are WEAK! and why they are weak , becasue they are bugged! Sneak is very buggy too because the zombies aggro without reason and even if you aggro you just run , get to building loot, get out. And yes I know they are fixing this in the SA but i still don't think it will be perfect, they need to rewrite the zombies system to make it good, maybe they did who knows atleast i hope so. Fix zombies - will raise the diffuclty of survivng - less people who kill just for fun and don't care about zombies (bandits). Also one more thing, why do you think people don't care about shooting in a city, because they zombies are weak, Even if they block the exit you can one shot them and run out fast.
  14. ShokeR (DayZ)

    What is the problem of Dayz?

    Bandit is someone who kill without reason, and yes I still think most of the community are bandits. I didn't say there is a problem with bandits, i meant to say there are too many bandit. Also you can't compare Dayz to LoL or Cod , and again when i say PVP game is i mean bandit game, because this game is about survival and PVP, but the problem is PVP is more foucsed in this game when survival barely noitceable. I thought all about this subject and I really think this problem exists because of other problems in the game. Let's take for exmaple the zombies, the zombies are the "basic" of the game, Dayz is based on zombies that destroyed everything. But there is one problem, they are buggy as HELL! , how you play a game without the basics? So if the zombies are so buggy players have no choice but to foucs on the other side of the game, PVP. Every Dayz player know how buggy the zombies are. Try to play this game on an empty server, it will be easy and boring as hell becasue the zombies are buggy like i said and you can just ignore them by running through buildings. You say there is no problem, but there is a problem. Everyone saying "In real life nobody care about each other and will kill each other", but in real life people will come to a city just to kill people for fun? i guess not. I played some with the new patch, the zombies killed me, why? becasue i was trapped inside the house and they teleport inside the out or hit me behind the walls becasue the house was very narrow. This is another example why survival isn't very good scripted in this game. Insted of making new food to eat, improve the basic of the game and make the zombies less buggy. Why do you think the sniper in chenro and elktro doing this? for loot? no, they are doing this for fun. How they got so much ammo to waste on fresh spawners ? becasue the zombies are weak, people sever hopping and getting alot of gear or just hacking (server hope and hacking is the same for me). AS50 should be rarest weapon in the game but for some reason i find someone with this sniper everyday running around cherno, And i don't think that someone who just found a rare gun will go sucide with it. Anyway, what i mean is a problem leads to other problem, and you need to solve the basic problems to solve the others problems.
  15. The problem is pistols deal almost no damage, when other "rare" guns deal too much.
  16. ShokeR (DayZ)

    What is the problem of Dayz?

    first It's just my opnion you don't have to agree with me. second there are too many bandits in this game, yea sure there are some nice people. But most of the community playing as bandits. If you say snipers will always be there no matter what, but what if ammo for sniper will be very rare , people will feel like the got something rare and wont waste so easly, like you get NVG you won't just give it or run with it in cherno because you might die. every problem have a solutin , you just need to find the solution. And when i say "bandit game" i mean PVP game and only PVP , becasue nobody care about zombies , all you do in this game is running from house to house (skipping the zombies) collecting loot so you can kill other people (some people may call it survive), you are not really collecting stuff to survive from zombies you collecting stuff to survive from PVP. Again it's my opinion
  17. ShokeR (DayZ)

    My Perspective (

    You are right, I am still watiing for this patch that will fix the bugs with the zombies. I hope this will be fix in the SA .
  18. ShokeR (DayZ)

    worth buying arma now?

    If you want to buy arma 2 for dayz, don't.
  19. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Too hard since

    It's good! Maybe now people will think before they shoot.
  20. Hey everyone. At the momment i play DayZ alone and it's very hard for me to survive . It not very fun when you play alone so I'm looking for players who can play with me and not backstab me. I don't care about dying im still a newbie I started to play the game 3 / 4 days ago. I play everyday so if someone want to play with me , my steam name is : Sektor287 My GMT is -1
  21. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Starting ARMA II / DayZ with Steam

    Hey. i want to play dayz using steam aswell but when i run the game with steam using dayz commander it's says "Bad Version" on any server. Someone know what to do about that?
  22. ShokeR (DayZ)

    looking for some legit friendly players

    I'm looking for someone to play with atm. But I need your help with something , please accept me on steam. My steam name is :ShokeR
  23. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Sqaud recruiting, or looking to team up.

    Can you tell me when you are going to play? I need to know
  24. Man, your location doesn't matter right now. i can't reach you , you need to come to me. can you try to go to the airfield (up north in the map), I kinda trapped there I have only 2000 blood and i need you to refill it with the blood bags i have.
  25. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Sqaud recruiting, or looking to team up.

    17 years old, i can speak english (not very well but i can)