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ShokeR (DayZ)

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Everything posted by ShokeR (DayZ)

  1. ShokeR (DayZ)

    DayzMod on Steam. Anyone tested it yet?

    I always use it. Because I already know which server I want to join, I don't need dayz commander to search for servers. It works pretty well, didn't find any problems yet.
  2. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Many items up for trade.

    What do you need? I need to check my tents, but i cant log in right now i will edit the list of the weapons later. It will be easier if you tell me what do you want for them EDIT: M4A1 CCO SD M4A3 CCO MP5SD6 M16A2 Sa-58P M9 SD These are all the weapnos I can trade. Also have Soda Mountain Dew if you want. I can't trade with NVGs , Rangerfinders and like that becasue i need them, Camo I don't need i can trade it.,
  3. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Many items up for trade.

    What type of guns do you want? M9 SD sounds good?
  4. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Looking for Ghilies suits

    Swordsworn canceled the trade, still looking for some ghillies suits.
  5. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Looking for Ghilies suits

    I have got m9sd, send me a PM if you want to trade
  6. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Looking for Ghilies suits

    Found 3 camos, but not ghillies.
  7. ShokeR (DayZ)

    M4A1 CCO SD, Ghillie Suit, and Rangefinders up for trade

    What do you want for Rangerfinder?
  8. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Looking for Ghilies suits

  9. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Many items up for trade.

    What do you want for your Ghilies?
  10. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Giveaway Thread

    PLEASE, I must have some ghilies suits, if there are any left of them.. :(
  11. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Ethics of the common player

    Even bandits shouldn't kill fresh spawns, the point of being a bandit is to kill someone with loot, If you kill fresh spawn for fun you can call yourself dumb.
  12. ShokeR (DayZ)

    What do they mean by "Completely redone"?

    I hope they will fix all the graphics glitches
  13. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Why is DayZ so beautiful?

    You never saw a game with good graphics, did you?
  14. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Are you ready for the standalone?

    Man, its only a game...
  15. I thought you said 2 years from now ,not 20 years
  16. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Dumb ways that you have died?

    Fell off from the stairs in a barn, broke my legs, then zombies..
  17. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Public character finally died, day 164.

    I have one question! How did you know how many zombies you killed ,bandits kill, murders, etc.
  18. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Once again ...

    One day, I was in Cherno I had AK and PDW. I was looking for a map so i can leave the city before getting shot and saw unarmed guy. I decided to not shoot him since he is unarmed and I don't kill for fun(only to survive) , so i told him i will not shoot and so he don't have to worry about ths. I started to looting the church and he came behind me with an hatch out of nowhere, 1 hit and he knocked me out , second hit and I am already dead. Sad story.
  19. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Killing a man with his own gun

    You mean who use a Glock 17 when you have a Lee enfield?
  20. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Killing a man with his own gun

    I feel really bad for that guy.. YOU DESERVE TO DIE !FU BANDIT!
  21. ShokeR (DayZ)

    A Legit way to stop hackers.

    It's very diffuclt to stop hackers becasue Arma 2 engine is really bad. In the SA I hope they will use a diffrent engine or improve it. Anyway, do not try to stop the hackers, the best thing to stop the hackers is just to stop talk about them. It's like don't feed the troll, when someone troll just don't answer, same with hackers, if they hack just let them hack don't tell them you care. Dean Rocket said he knows the main problem of Dayz project is hackers, and I'm sure he is gonig to solve the problem.
  22. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Building up supplies

    You will have to find a tent, and place it somewhere on the map. Do not place it like in the middle of the map becasue players will find it , place it where players never travel. If you are new to Dayz, try to place your tent close to the coast so you can access it easly. Tents are now very buggy, it apper \ disapper every server restart, so if you dont find your tent wait for the server to restart and it will apper again! good luck!
  23. ShokeR (DayZ)

    vehicle? Can't find any.

    Don't look for a car in the main cities. It's pretty easy to find a car , go to Dayz DB and look for cars spawns. Use common sense where is the best chances to find cars
  24. When i say coming back as a zombie i don't mean you can play as a zombie. In the standalone you can change your clothes and things like that, so it will be cool after you die, your body will raise up as a zombie(computer zombie, like all the zombies) with the same clothing you had and same gear. So if you don't take the gear before the zombie raise, you will need to kill him. By adding this , players will have chance to make risk plays, like shooting a zombie in a city which can cause some problems. This could be very funny to see, someone you just killed now become a zombie trying to kill you :P p.s Sry for my bad english
  25. ShokeR (DayZ)

    FPS issues

    Here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45835-ultimate-guideinformation-thread-to-increase-performance/ This guide helped me alot.