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ShokeR (DayZ)

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Everything posted by ShokeR (DayZ)

  1. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Trading M107, Czech Backpack, M4a1 Holo, and Ghillie suit for NVG!

    I can trade with you , if you still looking for NVG, PM me.
  2. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Looking for Ghilies suits

    I have only 2 spare NVGs right now , but i really need them, what do you really want? weapons or equipment? I have some spare weapons i can trade, don't have much equipment to trade. if you want 2 m9sd for 2 ghillies we can trade
  3. ShokeR (DayZ)

    My criticisms of DayZ mod/Standalone

    DayZ SA is not being rushed, It's necessary for the progress of this mod, Arma 2 Engine has a lots of limits especially with mod like that. New engine is not necessary? have you ever played for example COD game with BF engine? Rocket said he will release new weapons and clothing every week. It's funny you already complain about something isn't out yet, all the information you write now , your opinion is based on information you got from twiter posts and videos about SA , If they will tell us everything new added to the game then we wont be suprised when we buy it. Also , they rewrote most of the systems from nothing, trust me when you will play the game when it comes out , It will feel like a diffrent game.
  4. ShokeR (DayZ)

    DayZ Bug List

    Double tapping W (and holding it) then click X (crouch) It will lower the "Eye" and "Ear" HUD lines even if you are still running. (sorry for my english lol check in game if you didnt understand) I don't know if It is effect zombie's detection.
  5. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Hack/Cheat Situation ?

    He blew up half of the airfield, and don't forget about all the vehicles he teleported. If you want to play without scripters , all you need is a good server, I play on UK 172 for 2 weeks haven't seen one hacker even when there are 40 people on the server, and one day someone tried to nuke the server, but failed becasue it have good anti hack protection.
  6. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Hack/Cheat Situation ?

    Tell me yourself:
  7. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Looking for Ghilies suits

    I can give m9 sd for 2 ghillies , since m9 sd is more rare (only spawn in barracks). if you don't want m9 sd i have other weapons to offer, just say what you want
  8. I got kicked by battleeye everytime I try to eat food for some reason.
  9. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Is DayZ really an alpha?

    Did you played the mod? It's not even ready for beta, zombies are still buggy and not only the zombies alot of other stuff. Dayz SA and dayz mod is two diffrent things, just because Dayz SA will use new engine it doesn't effect anything on Dayz mod, so why move to beta?
  10. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Trade G36K camo and M24 for G36C CAMO SD

    This weapon is mistakenly banned, but I think it's not banned in the new patch.
  11. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Dying for stupid reasons

    Why would you shoot someone with full auto mode? Semi is much better It's dayz not Call of duty
  12. ShokeR (DayZ)

    DayZ Short Film

    Thanks for sharing, I haven't seen this yet.
  13. Well, If one server or two have a problem you can just switch servers.
  14. ShokeR (DayZ)

    G36 SD Camo still bugged?

    It's not suppose to be banned. Look here : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/122774-dayz-1751-bug-list/ - g36c sd camo Still banned - Fixed
  15. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Please Help.

    Wait until timer is over, if it takes so long leave it and go afk and come back later.
  16. ShokeR (DayZ)

    KoS, an examination

    This is exactly the problem, game too hard - people leave, game too easy - people KOS and hack.
  17. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Worst town to end up in/loot

    Orlovets, even if you want to find a empty tin can , you won't find it there.
  18. ShokeR (DayZ)

    KoS, an examination

    The only way to encourage players to work together is to make the game hard enough so one player can't survive alone, but this will cause some problems because some people like to play alone. But you can't stop KOS, maybe lower it for a bit but you can't stop it.
  19. ShokeR (DayZ)

    KoS, an examination

    If you increase the diffuclt of zombies , players will have to foucs more on "Player versus Zombies" and less on "Player versus Player". Like the last update did, If you shoot someone inside cherno you are gonig to regret it, but It still doesn't matter becasue you can avoid "Player versus Zombies" by disconnect and reconnect right after.
  20. ShokeR (DayZ)

    G36 SD Camo still bugged?

    It's a bug, it shouldnt be banned but it is, found like 3 of this weapon (public) but cant pick it up becasuse it just disapper.
  21. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Zombie hearing

    I don't know why the added this , now people more forced to use programs like Skype and TS to talk in game. Havn't test it much but it sounds kinda stupid.
  22. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Didn't realise food and water was that important

    It was always like that, when you are low on food your blood start droping slowly, same with water.
  23. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Most Interesting Evening Ever

    I found about 7 heli crashs site between Kabaino and Stary sobor. Couldn't check them all my inventory was full and I was really confuesd which heli crashed i checked and which I don't.
  24. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Attack Helicopter while sniping.

    Sad you didnt both died
  25. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Hero skin and humanity right now.

    My friend is a hero and he told me about this problem, about his humanity going down.