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ShokeR (DayZ)

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Everything posted by ShokeR (DayZ)

  1. ShokeR (DayZ)

    I don't mind the bugs

    I don't mind there are bugs in this game, I really don't. But I do mind this game crash so often. I managed to put 5 hours to this get by now and my game crashed around 30 times (I am not joking) I really wish they will work on make the game better optimized instead of fixing minor bugs and glitches and adding new things to the game
  2. ShokeR (DayZ)

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    you have to zero your weapon , use page up and page down
  3. if you drink and eat alot until you are fully fed then you will start to gain blood slowly after your blood is full you will start to gain health
  4. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Am i the only one with no performance issues?

    I have 550ti gtx and 4gb ram and have smooth 40 fps and in cities around 30 fps but the only problem is my game keep crashing every 20 minutes and inside cities every 5 minutes
  5. ShokeR (DayZ)

    I don't mind the bugs

    I put all my settings on low , I have smooth fps around 40 in cities around 30. but the game keep crashing, I checked the game's file via steam it says it's they are good , I don't know anymore. I am going to buy 4 more gb ram anyway soon so i will have 8 gb ram maybe this will solve the problem but i think i should be able to run this with 4 gb ram on lowest settings without crashes
  6. ShokeR (DayZ)

    This game will only be a niche .....

    Factions? what do you think this ? It's not like the other MMOs out there. I don't even call it MMO maybe the developers does but I don't think this is an MMO. Factions will just ruin the game
  7. ShokeR (DayZ)

    [suggestion] Crafting a ghillie

    Ghillies should be removed from the game, Instead you should create your own ghillie on your current clothes and gear but it won't make you 100% hidden like the ghillie does
  8. Even the most top game today have hacker, every game have hackers deal with it.
  9. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Full geared, now what to do?

    Give objectives to yourself , even funny objectives, as long as you think you are going to have fun doing them
  10. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Too many veterans

    This is the point of the game , It should be hard to survive. Also, you shouldn't buy the game if you are new to it, Rocket said before the release it's pre alpha for DayZ fans who played the mod and know what they are doing. If you really want to play to can learn how to survive , it's the fun part of the game, it's like when you play DayZ mod for the first time is really hard but after a week it's really easy , so I don't know if it will be like that in the standalone too but enjoy it while you can.
  11. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Force feeding an unconscious player (?)

    I don't know , try to check dayzdb for information, but I do know that tuna doesn't give much food
  12. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Player Corpses Disappearing and Kill Msgs

    I don't think kill message will be in the game, and about the dead bodies, I found some bodies laying around for quite a long time and I killed someone and the body didn't disappered. Maybe the old bug from the mod is back? when someone die and ALT F4 quickly the body disappear?
  13. ShokeR (DayZ)


    I agree you have to drink and eat way too much, I don't know how my character can still run he is so fat!
  14. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Force feeding an unconscious player (?)

    I don't know much about it , but I don't think one can of tuna is enough
  15. ShokeR (DayZ)

    One Survivor? (Urgent)

    Yes please Rocket make hardcore database hive !
  16. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Dayz - The engine of disconnected unresponsive controls

    They made Arma 2.5 engine, If they build this game from 0 it will take too much time, don't forgot it's not a big company with 100 developers, yea I know bohemia help them for a bit but still it's like a indie game, it's based on a mod
  17. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Knocked unconscious after two punches

    If your shock meter is higher than your blood meter you get knocked out
  18. ShokeR (DayZ)

    Direct Chat still not working!

    My friend had this problem too , I remember in the mod he told players to talk to him in side chat because he can't see direct chat, but he managed to fix it, I will have to ask him how
  19. ShokeR (DayZ)

    A strange senario I do not know how to report...

    Someone just knocked out you, he didn't took the food because he had no space left
  20. ShokeR (DayZ)

    So tired of being colorblind...

    It's not realistic to get blood from food, If you get shot , just eat 5 cans of beans and you perfectly healthy , no this is not right. you need to find medical supplies and know how to use them know which is good for you and which might hurt you and things like that
  21. ShokeR (DayZ)

    how long do i stay in game after i log out ?

    Maybe because of the character wipe
  22. I remeber Rocket said one time that he want to make 2 hives , one regular hive and one hardcore hive , I don't think the kids will go to the hardcore hive so It should be safe there from kids , lets hope
  23. ShokeR (DayZ)

    One Survivor? (Urgent)

    I don't think they will add this because you can use one character to store all the good stuff and no one can steal it from you
  24. ShokeR (DayZ)

    loot not respawning

    Loot will respawn after they finish the respawn loot system and put it in the game