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Everything posted by zanchin

  1. Hi, unfortunately I wasn't able to play dayz with more that 12fps yet, which is pretty annoying. I tried nearly every guide, tweak and everything that can be found via google. Problem occur with six and dayzcommander (with steam and without). my system: Athlon X4 620 @ 3200Mhz MSI 770-C45 GTX 260 Samsung 830 SSD 256GB 4GB DDR3 RAM current launch parameters (but tried a lot of combinations): -mod=@DayZ;ca -nosplash -cpucount=4 -maxmem=2047 -exThreads=7 -nopause -world=Chernarus -winxp ARMA II OA runs fine with 50-60fps. Some minutes ago I suddenly had about 60fps in dayz and enjoyed playing it for the first time and about 30s before getting kicked for a too high ping. I unfortunately could not repeat that experience. Any ideas?
  2. Thank for you suggestions. I am using comodo firewall but it doesn't help to deactivate it, I didn't ever have any trouble with it. I also use sophos antivirus on access scan but it also doesn't help to deactivate that. My bandwidth is something like 928 kByte/s/119 kByte/s up/down. I tried what you said but sadly it didn't help. By chance I played 5min with 20-30 fps today until I bugged through the wall of a tower and broke a leg... I have no idea how either (fps and bug) were possible ;)
  3. But I tried and uncountable number of servers! Mostly German actually but this can't be the problem, can it? And if so, is there anything I can do besides trying other server for another hour? Curiously my friends don't experience these problems when joining the same server...