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About K2kwarrior

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  1. K2kwarrior

    DayZ becoming a standalone..

    The standalone is a separate game, the mod however I believe he is going to be working with the community to keep it up to date and as bug free as this mod can possible be the mod never will be though which is why he is making a standalone. The mod basically isn't going to be able to go much further than it is now simply because the arma engine wont allow it, so everyone should buy the standalone at least to try it out and if they don't like it they can go back to the mod or play both at the same time.
  2. The idea has been suggested elsewhere read up first, but still it is a nice little idea.
  3. enable Vsync maybe lol might help if u capp ur FPS
  4. K2kwarrior

    The Ideal Day Z?

    I like the idea's you gave but even in a simulation there has got to be a limit or realistic possibilities think if you had a bag that cant hold an engine how are you meant repair a car i mean how many people even know how to repair a car yet everyone in DayZ knows lol you cant have everything. My ideal dayz is a DayZ without hackers less glitchy animations no AS50's or stupidly high grade weponry M4's fair enuf less loot as in less trash cans less ammo less water and food. I also think you shouldnt be able to refill your canteen at a pond i mean come on how ill would you get if you drank from a pond all the time not to mention the infection may use water as a way of getting about i would say fill it there but u have to boil it or risk catching some possibly fatal disease.
  5. K2kwarrior

    Dayz Night time playing

    The Duriel has got it you all say u can see but if hes got HDR lighting on normal he cant see even with gamma an brightness up full. Turn your HDR lighting to max settings and gamma to 1.5 if its that dark and you should be able to see things clearly without the headache that 2.0 gamma gives you if not ur fooked XD
  6. K2kwarrior

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    I think the combat timer is great, however there is a problem, i was on public hive with my 25 day old char earlier trying out this patch and ofc the hackers are abusing the combat timer they teleport you and you cant abort to save your gear from these F**Kers. I have never ALT F4 except when faced with TP hackers now seems ill just lose my gear every hour or two other than this Great patch thanks rocket.
  7. K2kwarrior

    Combat logging details.

    No as long as your not in combat but it still beats the point if the game you are supposed to run into people now and then if you don't like it then go play L4D or some other shooter this is a survival simulator people cant just disappear in real life when they feel nervous or scared. First rule of DayZ: Dont get attached to your gear you will have more fun if you don't think about it, trust me i know when i started playing i managed to get NV goggles ghille suit and a SVD camo and because i didn't want to die i rarely logged in any more and if i did it was on low pop servers and its boring as hell. Running into people adds the immersion the Mod needs because lets face it the zombies are not that threatening as they are now bumping into a bandit group gets the blood flowing especially if your a lone wolf it adds more to the game don't avoid it.
  8. Registered on your site waiting to be accepted before I can post my app.
  9. K2kwarrior

    DayZ Stories

    Another story for you this time about how I pissed of a script kiddie!! It started last night I had loaded into Chernarus during a server restart and when I finally got into the server I had re-spawned on the docks of Electro with all my gear, which at the time was some of the best i've ever had and my character was 25 days old longest I have survived to date. My gear consisted of M4A3 CCO, M14 Aim, G17, Backpack coyote and the basic food and med supplies along with a few smoke and M67 grenades. So as I was now in Electro again I decided I would check around the hospital and supermarket just to stock up, along the way I ended up running into the church to avoid a few zeds I managed to pull, after about 2 minutes inside I heard a gunshot Winchester I think anyway a death message pops up so I realise theirs a bandit killing newbies and I decided to kill him to give the bambi a fighting chance, as I stood up to go outside an unarmed survivor runs inside with half of Electro on his tail including the bandit so I whipped out my grenade and tossed it killed half the zeds and I shot the rest I was looking for the bandit now with no luck so I ran outside to find the bandit unconscious so I put my trust in the bambi and gave him my G17 and let him do the dirty work, this was more satisfying than a kill XD, but it was also strike one to me for this hacker his name was simon. I had teamed up with the bambi now and got him some gear AKM included and we set of up to Stary Sober, along the way we noticed a helicopter so we hid inside the forest under a bush, now their was know way this guy could see us no zeds spawns about we were hid before he was even visible to us yet he lands in the field right next to us and gets on the gunner and starts spraying us, at this point the bambi was about to log of before this happened so I told him to abort not to risk his best character (according to the bambi) to this blatant hacker. So there I am all alone with shit loads of bullets whizzing past my head I pull out my M14 aim 2 smokes and a grenade sat firmly behind cover keeping an eye on him to make sure he dose not teleport to me or leave the chopper, I am waiting for the reload and I hear it I pop out and whiz a smoke grenade not knowing if this will help ofc he could have ESP/wallhack on anyway it seemed to confuse him a little I chanced it and ran towards a pine tree where I would have good cover and he kept shooting at my old spot, so I chucked my remaining smoke to give me more cover and chucked my grenade through the smoke towards the chopper at this point he had stopped shooting again I believed he was reloading, my grenade blew up and then there was a huge explosion and his chopper was gone but he was not turns out he had left the chopper looking for me so I went back into the forest to find him searching and I pop 2 bullets from my M14 aim into his skull and guess what it was simon again ofc you already knew this I guess. So now I had acquired some NV goggles of his body nothing else worth taking so I hid his body and went on my way, eventually I arrived at Stary Sober I began looting the tents and all of a sudden the whole server about 20 of us were at the fuel station outside of electro and ofc without hesitation I opened fire killed 3 people before getting to cover and eventually killing another 2 including my buddy simon, who again was geared to the teeth once more he had also left me a present a Uaz with lots of spare parts for choppers and cars I promptly hopped in the car and drove back up to Stary sober where I continued to loot, I had empty all the trash from the car to make room and i found 2 AKM's AKS cobra and a few tools GPS an stuff and once I was done with Stary sober I went up to NW airfield where I found an M24, M16 ACOG, M4A1, PDW, MP5 silenced and a Remington so this car was stocked to the brim. I then decided I would hide the car in the forest north north east of devils castle but I decided to check out the castle before hand and I found nothing but as I was coming out I saw a white pick up parked next to my UAZ, by now it had been a couple of hours since my last encounter with simon so I checked the player list and he was still here so I noticed the guy get into my car and come out with my M24 so I shot this guy in the leg knocked him out and then went close studied the body and yes it was my dear friend Simon. I then tebagged him until he started to move again as you know it takes a little while to get up once the unconscious timer runs out as soon as he started to move I put him down he was out for about 20 seconds. He had some Range finders an NV goggles on him this time along with a few other things so now I had everything I needed. I hid my car where I planned to then ran back to the pick up in devils castle I proceeded back to my new camp, this pick up was full of parts and lots of medical supplies too, when I got to where I had left me tents and UAZ there was nothing there except my fire I left lit as a marker. I was a little pissed now at first I thought the admin is on and the car was hacked in so it got deleted, but then I thought well this pick up just appeared at devils castle along with simon so why hasn't this been deleted anyway I was looking around and saw nothing and as I drove of Simon spawned in front of my with a bazooka and well this time I didn't kill him so everything I had stocked up with had gone and to make matters worse I spawned at Kamenka. At first this guy didn't annoy me much other than spawning himself gear the encounters with him were fair fights more or less he didn't have godmode or wallhacks so other than having top gear and vehicles straight away it was a normal bandit encounter but I could tell he was getting pissed off when he started teleporting us and to me and I think he had just decided to steal my car at devils castle to piss me off but he failed and I pushed him over the edge and he then used his brain if he has one and attacked me when I was most vunerable in a car XD. So there you have it a day in the life of a public server, script kiddies gotta hate em.
  10. In reply to Bakst. I agree with you single player should be an option for players and if you ever played the single player mod "daizy" you would know a lot can be done with it other than just zombies, my first play through of it whilst i had internet problems i ran into a group of 5 computer controlled bandits and got my arse handed to me as they had a sniper in the hills 3 bandits in cover behind a wall next to balota and one guy further behind them, earlier on that play through i saw a heli fly bye me too and as its got cheats in this SP mod i spawned a heli and followed and soon after got killed by a that heli over stary I haven't played since i uninstalled steam to fix it and it deleted my arma files somehow and its now gone haven't i haven't download the mod again since then but i plan on doing it was fun to play. I loved how the NPC bandits used tactics to fight me and the fact there was people in helicopters too, at first i thought it was a bug but after i ran into the bandit group on my next spawn i don't think it was, so something like that added to a possible single player mode would make it more enjoyable.
  11. K2kwarrior

    DayZ Stories

    My story started 2 days ago and ended today its called my Vehicles. It starts with me up at Stary I had just finished looting when a helicopter shows up and offers me a lift, I accepted cautiously. He gave me a lift back to electro where I was meeting with a freshly spawned friend, after he landed the chopper he gets out and I notice he is carrying a AS50 TWS and was about to kill me and my friend but at this moment we were saved by the admin who notices his weapon and he gets banned his body just disappears so no loot off him at this point I am out of the chopper and its off screen I turn around and its still there so I guessed it was a legit chopper, so I take it and fly to NW airfield to gear my friend up we loot a few places and then we took it for one last trip to NE airfield before we log and as I am landing it, (which I had done about 4 times before at the same speed on surfaces that were not flat without damaging it) I touch down and everything turns red it wouldn't start so we get out fast and it blows up. I have no idea why this happened because we had landed on the airstrip which was flat and landed it slowly and from here on things just get more frustrating. The next day I log on the same server to find out that the admin or a hacker not sure had wiped all tents and vehicle's so I had lost a M16 M203, M107, Fn fal and a FN fal AV PVS all with mags amongst other items from our camp site, so I am pissed right now but at least one good thing came from it all the vehicles had spawned again so I went in search. I went to NW airfield first to search for a chopper instead I find an ATV which I fix up and then after about 40 mins I touch a lamp post and have to fix it again I did and then logged for the day. Then I log on today my ATV still there so I take it for a spin back up to NW airfield to search for some more ammo, after about 2 minutes on the ATV on a road I hit a tiny bump and it flips so I cant use it now so I blew it up out of anger. I carried on making my way up to NW airfield and as I am passing Stary I stop in to loot and notice the red Uzaz is there with everything but the wheels and hull in tact so I find a wheel and scrap metal fix it up and still need 3 wheels so I began searching. I ended up passing by Polana on my way to the factory nearby and I find a wheel 2 more to go, as i get close to the factory I notice the tractor spawn with the tractor there and it was drivable apart from one wheel so I fix it and continue on my journey to find wheels for the uzaz. I found 2 wheels and 4 jerry cans at the factory I loaded them into the tractor and set of for Solinchy. As I am driving I got lost so I stopped outside of a little town in front of a roadblock open my map and just as I close the map I realised I had rolled into the road block and everything went red and the tractor blew up with me inside I somehow survived barely I had 1k Blood. I patched myself up to about 3k blood with some food I had still at this point I am vulnerable to passing out so i had to be very cautious because I decided to carry on looking for wheels despite having just lost 3 I looked onwards determined to find my Wheels. When I get just outside of Solinchy i searched a few buildings and found 2 wheels so I was back on track I found nothing else there so I went to the factory towards Berizino, I had arrived after passing out about 10 ten times but when I got there the first building I entered I found 2 wheels again so I had done it, I had 4 wheels in my shiny coyote backpack now so next on the list was healing up. I set a waypoint back to Stary and set off, as I was trekking up the first hillside behind the factory I saw 2 cows so I killed them and ate them and had 12K blood once again, at this point I was thinking my luck had changed I couldn't have been more wrong. So on the way back I noticed a crash site I only had a Makarov and a PP bizon on me so I went to the crash site and found a M9 pistol and a M4A3 CCO with mags. At this point I was certain my luck was changing and it was but not from bad to good it was from bad to worse, as I just set of back to Stary A sniper took a few shots at me from the nearby town he managed to miss every time despite me being stood still at one point. I managed to scramble towards a few bushes and rocks as I was in a open field with no cover but this and he stopped shooting so I assumed I was safe for now, I started looking around me to pinpoint his location when I heard him take another shot this time he hit me in my legs so snap my legs broke, I believe he was using a M24 but I still couldn't pinpoint him, I got back into cover and fixed my legs and ate 2 pieces of meat I had left over from earlier, and I took a gamble at this point I made a run for into to nearby woods keeping the trees and rocks I was hid behind at my back and I got away with it, I headed towards the town circling the field I was in when I got there I spotted him and he must not have notice me run away earlier so I popped a cap in his head took his GPS the only tool I was short and hid his body. A little later on the server was dead only 3 players on including me I hadn't ran into any more animals so was sitting at 5K blood and I was about 500M away from Stary when I started getting shot at by a M4A3 again in an open field (you'd have thought I learned from my mistakes XD) but this time I had no idea which direction I was getting shot from and I kept running towards a little wall and a few trees as I dived into cover he hit me and again broke my legs and knocked me out I thought I was done for but the timer was about 3 seconds long and at this point he thought he come finish me off and I saw him run out from behind the trees about 40 M away from me as I was getting back up, I rolled behind the wall into cover as now he was in the open I had been wearing the camo outfit at the time and I don't think he notice me rolling away because he didn't try to shoot me or even stop running at me once I got behind the wall I popped up and took one shot to his head and it was over I then bandaged up and crawled to his body as I had no morphine now he was carrying little worth taking except for 4 cooked meat and some painkillers so I ate the meat and took the pills to stop the shakes and crawled towards the Uzaz which I had stored 4 morphine and others stuff in earlier in hope it was still there it was I healed up and fixed my car and set off to my camp to store it and log off for the night and as I was driving I had to avoid A destroyed vehicle on the road and I hit the blown wheel lying next to it and ofc all my wheels blew my fuel tank turned red so I gave up logged off and came here to tell you my story of how I managed to destroy 4 vehicles in the past 2 days and what I had to go threw to fix just one car which I drove for about 5 minutes.
  12. Got this using Belarc advisor not sure if its helpfull. Main Circuit Board b Board: ASUSTeK Bus Clock: 200 Megahertz I am supporting DDR2 Ram and atm i can only get a new GFX card but if thats the case i might just grit my teeth for a while and buy a new PC. But in the meantime any other tips that may help are always nice if there is any ofc.
  13. Im trying to find more info on my specs i used DX diag before anyway you know of a tool i could use so i can link more info.
  14. OK so as the titles says I need some opinions on my PC specs, I have been playing DayZ for a month now and in that time I have upgraded my Ram by 4G but it made no difference to the crappy 10-20 FPS I get in electro and other major areas I get around 20 FPS when I am not in the cities and as soon as a encounter a player that opens fire on me I don't stand a chance in hell of winning cause at this point my FPS drops to about 5-10 FPS in cities. I have enjoyed this game on empty servers where I get slightly better FPS but not much difference but after a while killing zombies becomes boring and the little PVP I have managed to play 'without the FPS drop' I have enjoyed without it I begin to find the game pointless and boring simply due to it being unbearable to play. Here are my specs. Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 32-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Processor: AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+ (2 CPUs), ~2.7GHz Memory: 6144MB RAM Available OS Memory: 3326MB RAM Page File: 2625MB used, 4025MB available Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT Display Memory: 1907 MB I have a feeling that its going to be the GFX card but I want to be sure. I am not very good with PC's so any help would be extremely helpful and you may end up with ma beanz. Also whilst looking through the forums I have seen a few people mention that they use certain programs to help boost their FPS so if anyone knows any that would be appreciated too. Thanks in advance.