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About HellzYeah

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    On the Coast
  1. I don't have a problem with enhanced zombie awareness. I'm patient, and crawling through a town to find loot isn't a problem for me. Under the old system I would generally crouch walk through towns anyway, a process that takes about as much time as crawling fast. However, the new system forces you to crawl in order to remain undetected. The problems that arise are that entering some buildings will FORCE you to a full stand if you try to go into them while crawling, notably ones set off of the ground a bit. This will instantly aggro every zombie within easily 25 meters. Running only attracts more, and shooting does the same. I can deal with the heightened senses, to a point. But when crouch walking is renedered almost completely worthless in terms of avoiding zombies, which is something that has caused my death on a couple of occasions I think its gone too far. I think the solution is to buff the crouched walk, as opposed to nerfing the hearing or vision of the zombies.