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Infy (DayZ)

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About Infy (DayZ)

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  1. Feels like the barracks and military loot in general is still a little too good, but maybe i am just too used to shit loot all over the place. Anyone else feels the same?
  2. zohN and me will give it a try Mac! :D
  3. I am officially done with this server. I have no idea why you are so desperately trying to lose all your players, but you are doing a good job to make that sure Mac. This last patch is so terrible in my opinion and your last "fix", jesus why? Just fucking why? I mean its like totaly impossible to find anything and when you find something you cant even carry it arround for longer. Backpacks are completly useless. Good job. But atleast i can keep my fucking 2nd gun, yea like i even have the space to suply it with a 2nd type of ammo, jk i have to carry all my other shit in my inventory. Seriously? I have played on this server for like 8 month and it was awesome most of the time, but this is over since Calibre and his crew left the server. I have an idea why that might have happened, but i am not going to start on that. Bye bye
  4. We were mistaken there too, as the only thing that made sense to cause this issue could be lag, the server not taking note of hits to players. Its good to see that you atleast can have a decent conversation on the forums, why not keep it that way on TS3 / side channel too?
  5. And just for the record Christ, i really would like to get a decent explaination how you could even believe for a second that this might be a cheat. We run arround on the map and seem to run into you, you shoot zohn, he drops unconcious to the ground and bleeds, you finish him off. What kind of GODMODE is that please, seriously? He turned it off was your explaination. When exactly was that then? Right after he dropped to ground unconcious? Wait how did that happen in the first place then? I mean his GODMODE was activated, wasnt it? Or did he just turn it on so you cant finish him while is lying on the ground, wait you did kill him, so no thats wrong too. To me this sounds like a giant pill of made up stuff, pure imagination. Maybe you shouldnt be so fast about education while you seem to be a bit lacking on logic and comon sense. I really dont want to turn this into a flame war but use your head next time first, as you think its so well developed, and show us how smart you really are and then talk your mind.
  6. Its really a joke how hard you go at us for this bug and try to accuse us of cheating when we told you its a bug in the game. This has happened so many times to me, even though i dont have evidence for it because i never have recorded a video in my life. But whats even worse is how you Chris start talking to people like this is a Ghetto and you are the Major of the city, so well educated. Dude chill already, nobody is an uneducated prick cuz they disagree with you. I mean wtf is wrong with you seriously. Bugs in this game exist, i mean its still a BETA, and it seems like you dont know as much as you think you do, so stay calm next time and try to use some manners instead of going all out on people with your language. Its really pathetic to call people cheaters and when they try to explain to you whats actually happening you just start calling names or blantly make us look like guys with an IQ of 75. You call my brother a GODMODE cheater even though he dies to your shots, just not as you expect him to die, because there obviously is a bug causing this. I shot Andy yesterday 60 times with a L85 Holo and he died delayed, did i call him a cheater? NO, i know something is broken, even if its lag or this unconcious thing causing hits being limited to 50 damage. But i totaly agree with you on people getting Wildcards only because they are young or any random reason. Wont call a name here, but this guy really shouldnt be playing on this server anymore.
  7. Yea sometimes after restarting the server vehicles and tents just dont spawn in, another restart of the server fixes this easily. I really like how loaded the server was yesterday after seeing so many days of max 5 players online.
  8. Whats going on with the server? Where are all the players?
  9. Yea people always get disconnected when they are in danger of getting killed.... sure, so funny that you complain about this and then come up with the same excuse.
  10. Dear Biss, you had this encounter with us, the BABO group, and we already explained the situation to you and i will do it again for the last time. You shot our helicopter down, 4 guys died from the helicopter crash or the direct result of it by bleeding out to wounds inflicted by the crash itself. 1 guy however survived the helicopter crash totaly unharmed but his character was stuck inside the helicopter and he was unable to move out of it, so we told him just do a quick relog, as he did, he relogged in like 1 minute, so his character would get unstuck from the heli. When he logged back in you were already looting the dead guys and you tried to kill him, but you failed and then he killed you in return after his login procedure was finished. You came to our channel and we tried to find an agreement on how we can sort this situation, we agreed on you getting your stuff, your car and we could take ours. Even the admin who was with you in that situation explained to you, that this game has alot of bugs and sometimes things can only be "fixed" by quickly relogging into the game. Now what is really hilarious about all this, is how you blame us on combat logging, but you just combat logged us in a 100% situation today. I have never seen such a fucking hypocrite as you. Admins already took care of your character. I am very passionate player? More like i am full of shit.
  11. Some kids are just fucking hilarious, i like how calibre thinks his group is kinda king of the server, when all you do is afk farm trash items in spots where nobody ever goes. Damn those hackers letting people explode, shame on you chris! That little kid niek already tried to accuse us of that "hack" too, we had a good laugh. Maybe he is good for your group?