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Everything posted by zenaku

  1. zenaku

    cheater detected

    He doesn't speak for himself because he is not very very good at english, but yeah he told me what was going on so i went here and tried to solve the problem. And yeah, we didn't record anything because we tried to get an explanation from Ichigo, the admin. Why was he kicking those two players who were trying to loot his body ? It was totally fair from them, Ichigo just fell off a roof as Michou said. Ichigo is abusing...a lot. See ? He doesn't have any proof. lol
  2. zenaku

    cheater detected

    Thanks for acting like that guys! Haha, ho! did you ? Btw, can anyone tell me why [LTDM] Julien got banned ? It was apparently an auto ban ? But no one gets why...he wasn't even there when he got banned and he never cheated either.
  3. zenaku

    cheater detected

    As i said before, if Ichigo posts something that might be a proof, it's a fake, that's for sure. That "proof" would be something he wrote himself. Look how much time it takes for him to post that "proof" ... pfff Seriously, guys, don't pay attention to that dude.
  4. zenaku

    cheater detected

    Guys, don't listen to Ichigo. He is raging because Tchernobyl said something he didn't like and killed him. [LTDM] Tchernobyl never said "hahaha i am cheat blablabla". Ichigo is lying. He is abusing of his powers as Administrator. He already made someone get banned ( [LTDM] Julien), and that dude never done anything wrong with the game. I know these guys, i've been playing with them for sevral weeks and since we met Ichigo, he keeps trolling. He will probably report me too... Banning someone for no reason is really bad guys. Please don't listen to this dude, seriously. Ichigo has no proof. If he gives you one, it's a fake, seriously. Please guys....